
Being an editor..?

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I was wondering if there was any way you could have a job as an editor for like a magazine or newspaper, without it requiring you to have to write stories. I am so strong in my editing skills, but not so much writing articles.

Please let me know! thanks




  1. well, im an editor for my highschool's newspaper and, yeah, i thought i was going to have to write articles...but i didn't have to, turns out all i had to do was "edit" the newspaper pages i was assigned, that is, i placed articles on a paper....and made 'em pretty (n _ n), but i wrote too, turns out the features section of our newspaper wasn't very popular with writers....i don't know why, it just wasn't, i mean who DOESN'T want to write about leprochauns and pie day, co'mon.

  2. Absolutely. There is so much more to journalism than writing. I work for a daily newspaper as a copy editor and designer. I'm like you. I like writing, but it doesn't come as naturally to me as editing does.

    If you're heading to college, I suggest a track in copy editing and design.  It's a blossoming field and not nearly as competitive as writing ... because let's face it, everyone wants to be a writer and have the glory of their name in print.

    If college isn't an option, I suggest finding a job at a small paper or even asking them to intern for the summer. You may have to start out small as a news clerk or somewhere else. It is fairly difficult to get a job in a newsroom without a degree. It can be done, but you've got to work your way to it.

    E-mail me if you have any more questions.

  3. I hate to say this, but there is no fast track to an editorial position, unless you buy the paper!!!!

    You need to work your way up and gain respect and credibility in the journalism world before any serious paper will consider hiring you as an editor. You need prestige!! This usually means being able to write good articles....if you can write well, you know what is good to print. It's that kind of thinking.

    PS - I assumed you were talking about a career, not a highschool thing. If you meant the highschool thing, then you'll prob just have to show that you are good at editing.
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