
Being sick with alcohol ever time?

by  |  earlier

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no matter how much i drink or how little ,can be a glass and a half of wine i will be sick the next day with alcohol poisoning?i used to be fine with drink then all of a sudden bang i keep being sick,i dont drink tht often like mabbae once a week with friends of every two starting to lose weight.i am starting to think its a physical problem ,something wrong with my stomach im not sure any ideas ??? i think i will need to stop all together which is a shame as im only 22




  1. Why would it be a shame to stop drinking alcohol altogether??

  2. you know you can relax without drinking  

  3. First i would visit a Dr.,.. 2 nd,  it is not necessary to drink period ,...if you feel you need to ,...drink water, maybe w/a twist of lemon.

  4. Some people just don't react to alcohol very well. I think you're right, it sounds like you need to give up to me. You don't need to be drinking to have a good time with your friends (although I know how annoying it can be when everyone's drunk except you!)

  5. alcohol is actually a poison to the human body. listen to your body and quit poisoning it

  6. you may be allergic to alcohol, my friend is.

    she gets very weezy just from a few sips

  7. Go to doctors and get the answers you are looking for.  Knock the alcohol on the head you do not need to drink to have fun or fit in.

  8. alcohol agravates your stomach lining go see ur gp to see if they can help

  9. Uh Oh.  That sounds like liver damage/failure to me...

  10. i believe the doctors will be the most useful it's best to get yourself chekcked.

    i hope nothing is wrong


    p.s if it hurts try and stop drinking  

  11. I think you should try a different drink that might agree with you better. my friend had the same problem and changed there drink! now what they drink agrees with them!

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