
Belgium, a never ending story ?

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Apparently, their Prime Minister (from Flandria) is being "held hostage" by a Flemish Separatists Party, blocking him to reach an agreement on "keeping the Kindom united".....(in a blant contradiction to their national motto that claims "Strength through Union"....). What kind of a country ist this ?




  1. In fact the Prime Minister is held hostage by the french speaking minority that block every reform of the Belgium state.  The Flemish people (6 million people) want to reform the Belgian state to give more authority to the regios and the French speaking (4 millions) don't want to change anything.   So the minority can impose his will to the majority.

    The NVA (the party you mentionned) want to go further than what the majority of the flemish want but by not wanting to negociate the French speaking are giving the position of the prime minister weaker and the separist grow in strength.

  2. All stories have an end and this Belgian story will also. If not soon, then within 10 years.

    Belgium need reforms otherwise the federal government will be broke within 10 years and then Belgium will de facto no longer be, end of story.

    Or they do get an agreement on these reforms and then Belgium can remain and this crisis has ended.

    And maybe the prime minister was restrained form getting an agreement by the N-VA, but was the proposed agreement one that would have solved the financial and other issues?

    Secondly, his party, the CD&V, refused to organize a general assembly with all its party members, because his own party would have disagreed also.

    As a reply to your question: yes it will end. What kind of end one does not know yet, but we will now within 10 years.

  3. Belgian drama never gets old.

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