
Belly button piercings????

by  |  earlier

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Ok I'm 14 and my mom said i can get 1 (yes it legal here) and im going to a place to get it done whenever i want. So i want to know if you got it done how bad did it hurt? can you get it numbed?, What did it feel like to you???? And How big is the needle? THanx so much!




  1. I've never had my belly button peirced, so I wouldn't know first hand, but one of my best friends had hers peirced when she was 15, and it got really infected and gross. She kept it clean just like they told her to, but she had some sort of reaction.Just thought I'd let you know. I've also heard that if you get it done when you are young, it ca grow into your skin. GOOD LUCK!!!

  2. Paramedic Girl.... I have NO idea what you are talking about. I have NEVER, EVER heard anyone advise against a belly button piercing at the age of 14. Breast Implants yes.... piercing... no.

    Saying that since she still growing she shouldn't get one is like saying that if you think you may gain weight in the next couple years you shouldn't get a piercing either.

    There is no medical evidence that says someone at 14 shouldn't get their belly button peirced.

    Now, to answer the poor girls question. The needle is actually quite large. But I have been told that the clamp they put on to hold the skin hurts worse than the needle.

    I myself do not have a belly peircing but have gone with MANY friends to get it done.

    They can add a topical cream on to slightly numb the skin.. but it will not relieve all pain. Like another person above said, it all depends on your pain threshold.

    One thing I must stress is to follow the directions given to you exactly on how to keep it clean. They get infected VERY easily, and after going through all that you would hate to have to take it out because it gets infected.

    Good Luck

  3. A reputable piercer should not be piercing you at your age. There is a good likelihood the ring with grow into your skin since your body has not stopped growing yet. Which will cause pain and complications.

    Wait it out another 4 years.

    "Some shops are conscientious about not piercing teen-agers. More than two years after California passed a bill to make body piercing on minors under 18 illegal without parents' permission, Olney-Bell was turned away from two San Francisco piercing shops where she tried to get her navel pierced -- even though she was accompanied by her mother. She says the shops were worried she would grow taller and the jewelry would be rejected"  ... it happens and it isn't pretty.

  4. Well...I am 15 and I just got mine done 2 weeks ago.

    First off, He said I had a hard belly button to pierce and I have tough skin! So when I got it done, It hurt pretty bad. It also hurt bad that night, but after that, It didn't hurt anymore, and honestly, the small amount of pain i had to go through then doesn't matter anymore because I can't feel it anymore!! Now I love mine!!

    Here's what they do: (in most places)

    You go in and show them ID and everything and then you pick out your ring.

    Then they sterilize the ring and they sterilize your belly button.

    Then they have you lay down and they clamp your belly button.

    (that takes the blood flow out)

    Then they push the needle through and put the ring in!

    they don't numb it and you idk how big the needle is because you shouldn't look at it.

    Before i got mine done, I watched videos of it being done on youtube and it actually helped be to not be as scared!

    Good Luck!!

  5. no it doesnt hurt much at all. on a scale of 1-10 10 being the highest i give the pain rate a 2. its not bad. i didnt get mine numbed you really dont need it. it wasnt that bad. the needle is not that big and the needle size doesnt matter if it were smaller or bigger it would still hurt the same

  6. I got mine done when I was fourteen.

    It doesn't hurt.  You feel the pressure of the needle going through but it doesn't hurt at all.  However, afterwards it will be really sore for around a week.  You shouldn't need to get it numbed.  It's really not that bad.  When they finished, I didn't even know it was in.  It's almost like an ear piercing.  It doesn't hurt.  Have you ever seen a navel ring?  The needle is as big, in width, as that.  Keep it clean when you get it done, but don't clean it too much.  If you over clean it, it may become infected b/c if you may be ridding the good bacteria your body has that fights against infection.  Clean it twice a day with isopropyl alcohol twice a day and keep an antibacterial cream on it.  Wait two months to change your belly ring after getting it done to avoid complications with it healing.  Good luck and don't worry about it.  It's nothing.

  7. If youdont like needles..Dont WAtch!

    It didnt hurt right when he did it.

    but later that night it hurts so sleep on ur back!

  8. You want it that bad then you shouldnt ask. Everyones pain is different. For some it may hurt while others wont even feel it....  

  9. no its not bad

    just after for about two days it kinda hurts

  10. I got mine pierced at 12 soo its all good(:

    - it doesnt hurt at all seriously its just like getting your ears pierced and that didnt hurt. the only thing is you might feel dissy and sick the next day. and it will be sore and difficult with particular clothing and sleeping .

    -and im not sure if you can get nummed i never had the option but i dont think it will be necisary.

    - and it felt like getting my ears pierced honestly thats wat it feels like im not joking. you inticipate more pain than you actually recive.

    -the needle isnt that big maybe like an inich and a bit.

  11. 1st ask your self why you even want to get it done ...????

    and ask your self do i need pain ???

    and it could get infected HELLOOOO

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