
Bellybutton piercing?

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i just got my bellybutton pierced 3 days ago. i was just wondering how long it would take to be able to tell if my body is rejecting it.

and how would anyone recommend to clean it? i've heard anything from sea salt with warm water to lavender oil.




  1. You won't be able to tell for a while.

    Usually the signs of rejection are redness around the exit holes, soreness and an increase of how much jewelry is showing outside of the piercing. However, with a fresh piercing, you will probably notice all three of these things, which is totally normal.

    With rejection, you can sometimes see a lengthening pink scar along one or both of the exit holes.

    You shouldn't have trouble with rejection if your navel is anatomically correct for piercing and you had it done properly by a professional.

    Sea salt soaks are the only thing you need to do for a fresh piercing. Don't put any oils or soap or anything else on it. Don't touch or move the jewelry.  

  2. XD LMAO it's a piercing, not an organ transplant. You body can't "reject it", you can only be allergic to the piercing itself.

    Your piercer should have told you how long to wait. I think I heard it takes 6 months before you can change it. You should clean it daily until it heals.

  3. Some people's bodies do reject piercings. But it's usually a pretty slow process. If your body were to reject the piercing, it would be pushing it out. There would be a trail of pink/red skin as the piercing became shallower and eventually you would either take it out to avoid further scarring or it would finally break through and fall out.

    But that's not really that common. If you don't have an allergic reaction to the metal and you keep up with proper aftercare nad don't play with the jewelry or change it to early or anything like that, you'll probably be just fine.

    The best aftercare is to do a warm sea salt soak 2-3 times per day. You mix 1/8-1/4 teaspoon of sea salt with 1 cup of water, heat, allow to cools o it won't scald you but it's still pretty warm, and submerge your piercing. If you have a shot glass, you can dip out some of the solution into that and put it over your bellybutton and just lay back while it soaks. You don't need to move the jewelry around. You shouldn't pick at it. Just soak it. The heat and the sea salt will promote blood flow and healing, draw out impurities, and do all kinds of good things. You can also wash the area gently, easiest to do in the shower, with mild fragrance free anti-bacterial or anti-microbial soap. But you still don't need to move it around- that can pull crusties or other impurities into the piercing, which will irritate it. Just soak it and be gentle with it.  

  4. Hey there!

    WAsh your new piercing with a cue tip/cotton bud dipped in a solution of salt water in boiled warm water, wipe around the entry and exit points of the piercing and with a clean bud dry off.

    Do this morning and night, and try not to wear tight clothing or let belts or waist bands rub against it, it might irritate it or knock it causing pain.

    Your piercing shouldnt reject for a long while yet, but if the piercing looks as thought its pushing out, getting red or irritated after its healed or the skin in front of the piercing looks really thinned out; they might be a sign it needs to be removed.

    But dont worry about that, just concentrate on it healing !

  5. idk  

  6. i do not know exactly how long. but what happened to my friend's belly (hers was rejected) was that the skin between the ring began to shrink until there was almost nothing left...and one day she sneezed and it popped out... sorry i am not trying to scare you or anything, but that was what happened..

  7. rankuu is an idiot and obviously hasnt had a surface piercing before. ugh, ignorance...

    and as for the rejecting thing, i've never had a rejected piercing before but i'm pretty sure that you'd be able to tell just by looking at it. take note now of how much skin is between the two balls, and rub your finger between them to see how much of the bar you can feel and see.

    if you want you could even take a pic of it so you have something to compare it to if you feel like its being pushed out of your body. if you get scared and feel like it is infact rejecting, dont hesitate to go by your piercer and ask for help.

    and as for cleaning, i clean it with warm sea salt water twice a day and it works pretty well for me =] good luck!
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