
Benefits of using a router?

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I currently have my computer connected directly to my cable modem via Ethernet chord. I have a wireless router, but I didn't set it up when I had my modem installed. Is there any benefit of using a router between my computer and the cable modem? Although it's a wireless router, I can connect an Ethernet chord to my computer from it. Also, because it's a wireless router, would that pose any security risk to my computer if someone with a wireless connection hacks into it?




  1. you would want to use an encrypted connection  

  2. As long as you have a good firewall program it really wouldn't gain you anything and it's just one more thing to act up.

    There are a few benefits though:

    1. Most routers have hardware-firewall which can be help filter things before they reach your software firewall (you do have a firewall program, right?)

    2. Your router will let you connect multiple computers to one internet connection

    3. You (or your guests) can wirelessly connect with a game-system, laptop, or USB wireless adapter

    The big security concern is wifi - you must enable encryption with a strong key, preferably WPA-PSK as WEP can easily be cracked.

    If you don't have any wireless devices, I'd just turn off the wifi feature (refer to the manual or you may have to call the company's support center to find the web-admin page and disable it)

  3. Yes. Huge benefit. It only takes 6 minutes on an open, unprotected internet connection to get infected by something. Routers provide a hardware firewall, DHCP, and NAT. A firewall can be tailored to prevent programs that roam the internet to determine who you are or how many computers you have connected (no one's business but your own).

    DHCP allows you to connect multiple computers to the router and share the internet connection. NAT is the privacy I mentioned. On the outside, those programs only see one address (the router) saying 'hi' to friendly signals and 'buzz off' to those that would probe you for weakness.

    Yes, an open and unprotected wireless router is an invitation to leeches who can connect to your network and suck off of your bandwidth. Don't let 'em do it! Connect to your home admin page, usually , and look into the current security sections and enable password protection. If you need help, most modern routers have built-in help pages right there on the page you are viewing. When you enable security, go with the highest, usually WPA2, and NOT WEP, it's been cracked already.

    Hope this helps.  

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