
Benjamin Franklin, Daylight Savings Time

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Okay, I thought that Benjamin Franklin invented Daylight Savings Time in the 1700's. But, I was reading this History textbook, and it says that during World War I, Daylight Savings Time began then in the 1900's to reduce fuel consumption. When was it invented? Did Benjamin Franklin develop a different method? Answers would be appreciated. Thanks:)




  1. Franklin didn't invent Daylight Saving Time, he proposed people in large towns and cities getting up earlier in the day to make more use of sunlight to get their work done so as to use candles less when the sun went down and thus save money. It wasn't until 1905 that Daylight Saving Time was actually propsed by the Englishman  William Willett. And why did he want it? He was an outdoorsman who loved playing golf and hated cutting his game short at dusk. He unsuccesfully tried having it put in place, it was only a year after his death in 1915 that it started being used.

    In the '70s it a purposal was put forward about how beginning Daylight Saving Time a bit earlier would save energy. However, by the time this plan was recently put into place experts were already saying it would actually waste energy as more folks would have to turn on their lights at home just to see. This also brings up the fact that Daylight Saving Time is pointless if politicians can move it about to suit whatever reasons they claim for starting it sooner or later. Not to mention the fact that the Earth doesn't suddenly speed up or slow down on the days Daylight Saving Time begins and ends.

  2. Franklin suggested the idea, but it could not be implemented until there were standard time zones in the first place. That didn't happen until the late 19th century, when railroad scheduling made it an urgent matter. WWI made daylight saving widespread by imposing federal rules for the first time. But farm communities generally hated it - especially dairy farmers who then had to get up even earlier for the morning milking.

  3. it was during wwi, and at the same time standard time zones were created. benjamin franklin suggested the idea of dst in the 1780s though

  4. BF came up with the idea as part of a joke- it was not really considered for action.

  5. Sandford Fleming invented Daylight Savings Time.

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