
Bermuda Salary Question?

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I was recently offered a job in Bermuda with a Salary of $74,000. This is what I make here in the US. I understand Bermuda does not have the same tax structure as the US and therefore I will take home more pay. That being said - is 74k enough to live, enjoy life, and maybe put some money into savings?

Thanks for you help!




  1. I would think it would be plenty; especially if you are single with no children... ...I guess it all depends on your tastes and extracurlicar activities :)

  2. Here is a cost of living guide for Bermuda

    Good Luck)

  3. Is there a housing/moving/transportation allowance as well, if so then yes. A one bedroom apartment can cost from $2000-$3000. per month (20K/yr min), a bag of groceries can cost $60 and thats without any alcohol in it, cigarettes are $6.50-$10.00 per pack.  If there is an additional allowance or housing and or transportation is provided go for it.

    The singles scene here heavily favors the ladies!

    An average or below looking woman at home (Fla) is a 10 here! So if you are single that is a plus.

    PS what is the company? small island, they may have a reputation.

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