
Best Friend... Help?

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Me and Kaleb were best friends. We did everything together and we were always there for one another. Near the end of the school year though, he opened up a little more to me and told me that he loved me and wanted to be with me. I have never been able to truthfully answer the question of if I actually loved him when I said I did, with me actually believing it when I ask myself that. Me and him got into huge arguments over the summer about me dating other guys, and hanging out with guys he didn't know. He felt concerned and when I told him to step out of the "big brother mode" and to just give me advice the way he used to before all of the jealousy, he blew up at me. That was last month, and we haven't talked since. The worst part about all of this is though, that my girl best friend, and him both really like each other right now but are not allowed to date. I want what she has... I want him back as my best friend. So now I'm going back to school without him, and he is in four of my classes including lunch. Every time I see him I want to fall apart. His little sister loves me, and she wants me around, but I can't stand having him around me even if I am with his sister most of the time. He ignores me all the time, and according to him, he doesn't miss me at all. I want to break down and tell him how I feel, but then I'm the type of person who hates giving in. Expecially when I know he doesn't care about me at all... Or does he? How do I find out if he does miss me/care about me? How to I start talking to him again without seeming desperate for his friendship?




  1. You did nothing wrong, so theres no need to call him. He should be the one calling you and apologizing for his reactions. But if you want your friend back, I guarantee that it won't be the same as you want it to be.

  2. Just tell him that you and him will only and always be friends.

  3. Kaleb likes you as u already mentioned but you need to give him time. But you should also just apologize. You should NEVER tell anybody they are jelouse. But he shouldnt of blown up either. He is gonna have to accept that you dont like. could alo give him 1 chance. It may seem akward but you never know unless you try. And if not tell him that you want to be his friend. He maay ignore you but in the inside he will be EXTREMELY happy. Trust me.
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