
Best crashes or wipe-outs?

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So one of my buds was racing me down the other day, when all of the sudden this huge plume of snow (had to have been 15-20 feet high) came gushing by, followed by one ski. I obviously missed what happened to him, but when I looked back and he was still tumbling like a rag doll. I swear when he got up he was wearing more snow than most snowmen, absolutely covered, head to toe, the only thing not white were two tiny dots where his eyes are and his mouth. Turned out to be fine and it was one of the funniest, most memorable moments I've had in a while and it got me thinking...

...So let's share some of our stories about memorable yard sales, huck dolls, or just plain nitwits on skis. Probably give most of us a good laugh.




  1. I was at a black and the weather was really bad, fog, wind.

    The only thing i wanted was to reach the bar, witch was at the end of that black.

    I gained speed and... a rock pops out!

    After some spins i stopped with only the one ski on.

    I climbed up some meters to take the other one and continued my way, slower this time.

    Really painful crash, but that hot chocolate made me forget the pain.

  2. my friend and i were going at top speed down a black and turned into each other cuz we were in each others blind spots. i looked over just it time to see it happening but without enough time to react the worst part of the injuries were couple of bumps and bruises the worst was a big bump on my eyelid.  and thankfully neither ones skis got hurt

  3. It has to belast run of the week, just at the bottom, infront of the bar, and i was just finishing on the flat bit, the resort literally had hardly any snow left, and there was this horrible water slash grass puddle! Worst snow i have ever had! anyway i hit this puddle and it made me stop so fast that by boots came out of the bindings and i flew forward into this puddle! with everyone at the bar clapping i just bowed and went home in embarressment! wasnt the best ski holiday i have had, awful snow!

  4. I race on a ski team and the other day something really funny happened. This kid was going pretty fast and he straddled the gate and hit his balls on the gate. He bent over in pain and then he fell and started rolling down the hill. It was hilarious and he was fine afterwards.

  5. I am a ski racer, and I have seen some really good ones.

    At Keystone, early January, I was at a super-g race.

    The course was visible from the parking lot, and my friend and I were on our way home. I was waiting for my friend, and watching the boys run. One kid came down, some how caught a tip, and tumbled a couple times, before coming to a stop right beside the netting. He stayed sitting for a little while, then got up, and after a bit skied down! I was in shock the someone could get up from a crash like that.

    I've crashed a couple times, but never seen them on film, although I have really wanted to.

    I know that I didn't describe the crash all that well, and so sorry about that.

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