
Best days to visit Paris?

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We're only going to stay for 3 nights? What days would be best to visit? Should we time it during the week or weekend?




  1. Any day would be great if you're able to visit Paris. I'm sure there's better times of year due to weather...but I knew someone who went around Valentine's day and had a good time last year.  Have fun...

  2. April in Paris--chestnuts in blossom, that's how the song goes; however, Personally I will never visit Paris again because I think things are too over priced, and the real reason is that if found that the Parisians were very rude to me as an American and I speak French.

  3. I am a Travel Agent if you need my service

  4. weekend

  5. friday, saturday and sunday.

  6. The summer when most of the french are on vacation. The best days would probably Wednesday Thursday and Friday. Friday might be a little more crowded though because employees have the day off once a month. You also might want to avoid strike days but tthat will be hard because you'll be in France mon ami!


    PS: Sissi 83 t'as trop raison marre de tous ces fonctionnaires qui controlent le pays!

  7. Plan it so you leave on Sunday. It will be a lot easier to get to CDG on Sunday. Plus, the weekend is a good time to be in Paris.

  8. There are pros and cons:  Weekends can cost more at hotels and there are fewer rooms, reservations or walk-in tables are hard to get at restaurants and it's generally more crowded.  On weekdays, some restaurants/museums are closed and the metro is mobbed with commuters.  Nightclubs are dead, if they're open.

    Why not a little of both:  Arrive on a Weds. and stay Thursday and Friday nights.  I was there in November and found I liked the later weekdays the best.  Bon voyage!

  9. Any 3 days except Sunday, because many of the bakeries and shops are closed on Sunday.  I agree with the advice that weekends mean more expensive hotel rates and crowded restaurants bc of all the French and European tourists in Paris.

  10. Paris is the prettiest during the spring and the summer, because that's when there is most LIFE. The cafe's, the gardens, etc. ENJOY!

  11. for christmas and new year day

  12. better in summer

  13. every day is good to visit. but sunday a lot of things are closed, shops, some museums, so it depends of what you want to do.

    Saturday is full of people, monday some shops are closed, i would say from tuesday to friday or saturday if you like when there are a lot of people in shops. Hotels are more expensive during week. ends

    PS : i want to add that i DO AGREE with spagz89's who speaks about strikes.

    I want to say that i'm french and i'm also fed up with all those strikes. Majority of people who make strikes are state agent, so have a secured job, and they always go on strike.

    You must know that when you work in private jobs like me, you can't make strike, it's very difficult or you may lost your job.

    IN France we are hostages of those state people always on strike, you can't take the train, the bus, the plane, can't receive you mail because the postoffice is closed etc...... and i'm also fed up of those state agent because people abroad say we are always on strike grrrr :o(((((((((((((( and that's true but you must know that a lot of people like me work 60 hours per week and i'm never on strike and because of them we do have a bad notoriety....

    Whatever, i do live in south of france, so if a day you want to come on french riviera i could help you  

    Bon voyage et bienvenue à Paris. Welcome to the strike country :o)))))))))))))))   oops

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