
Best friend/ boyfriend issues?

by Guest10997  |  earlier

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My best friend is a guy I've known for over three years. We'er extremely close and have recently become even closer. We spend most of our time alone together. We obviously like each other, sometimes we cuddle, but have never had a sexual relationship or even kissed. We're both in relationships with other people, and my boyfriend can't stand him so I find myself saying I have to go home when I'm really just hanging out with my best friend. Is our relationship crossing the line into a romantic one, or just really close friends? He always tells me he loves me, and I know I care more about him than my boyfriend...BUT I haven't been with my boyfriend that long and don't want to give it all up The thing is my boyfriend is getting to a point where he'd make me chose one or the other.





  1. You obviously have feelings for your best friend guy.

    Even though it might be hard break up with your boyfriend.

    Express to your best friend that you are gaining real feelings for him and you care about him very much.

    Since you are thinking about it so seriously that you posted a question on a website there is obviously more there than a close friendship.

    I'd recommend kissing him after you tell him your gaining feelings for him and see how it feels. If he goes with the kiss he obviously has some feelings for you too.

  2. If he is not g*y then he would like to be with you. straight men don't want girl friends to be just friends

  3. Well keep your best friend just as a best friend because he is in a relationship also. Maybe the problem is that you just dont like your boyfriend enough to continue a relationship with him.

  4. You'd have to ask your friend how he feels. You don't know for sure if he's changed and wants a romantic relationship.

    Some guys are friends with a woman without being attracted to her. Other guys have women as friends because they feel uncomfortable in close, romantic relationships. They're afraid of s*x and also of emotional committment.

    You have to ask yourself who do you want a relationship with more, your bf or your friend? If you have feelings for your friend, it's not really fair to your bf.

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