
Best friend issues? PLEASE PLEASE READ!?

by  |  earlier

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A little while ago, my friends had a party. Two of them drank too much and left in an ambulance. One nearly died.

Now the one that nearly died hates me. I don't know why. She says she hates my guts, and I don't get it.

I asked our friend what she thought and she says "well... the stories that you told her to and the stories I did are totally different" and they're all pissed off at me.

I told her that me and my boyfriend asked to go on the ambulance and the police yelled at us, which didn't happen. But that was the only thing I'd lied about.

I did tell her that the police asked my dad if she had a will and stuff, and that DID happen, but I didn't tell the other friends so as to not scare them.

They're all angry at me and I don't get it.

Help me!




  1. tell them its not ur fault that she got drunk and nearly died>>>>>>>

  2. I typed this a hundred times in Yahoo answers so you should know too. "We all are humans and humans make mistakes". Go and apologize to your friends as you made a mistake. If they don't accept your apology or after accepting they ignore you or something like that then don't jump into others pants. Ignore them. Soon they will realize that you made a mistake.

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