
Best friend..what should i do?

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i have a best friend, i always feel like she tries to compete with me over everything, my other 2 friends think im right too.well, wenevr i get something new, she will go shopping to get better things, or if i get something we "both" wanted, she will ask where i got it, and if i dont tell her she gives me this dumb loook and gets mad at me, i dont wanna be mean, i just want something i can i call my own, in elementary school, i wanted to be a model, then she did, i dont think she could be model no affense, then i wanted to be a fashion designer, this started in 5th grade, now we are entering 8th grade and she stilll does it, i wanted a guitar forever, then she said she had to have one, then she got it, it hurts me cuz i feel like she tries to take everything away from me. the way i draw is like guitar hero drawing stuff, then she tried to draw like me, but she suks. she never stops complaining, her life isnt even bad, she always gives me an attitude wen i ntell her she is wrong about something, she will fight until she gets her way, she braggs about being blond, her hair looks like a pile a garbage and ****. its not even a pretty color, no affense to blonds, she doesnt take carte of her hair, im brunette, now she might wanna dye her hair brown, she is a very selfish person sometimes. she copies my style and even my words sometimes itz sooo annoying, my friend said she looks at herself(she is obese) then looks at me (im average) all the time, i dont wanna be mean, i want her to be herself. is she just plain mean? or jelous? or ashamed of herself? what should i do? what do u think about this??? HELP ME!!!!!!!!




  1. she isn't your best friend. ignore her.drop her completely and move on.


    - <3

  2. Your friend doesn't know her own identity. She is jealous of you and thinks that by doing everything you do, she has your life.  

    I would try and distance myself from her and see what she does. Hopefully, she'll try and copy someone else's.

    It is frustrating to have someone be like you and have the same things you have.  

    Is there anything that you can do that she can't do?  I would lean towards trying that.  

    I wouldn't tell her where or when you get things.  

    She needs to grow up and be on her own.

  3. it looks like she looks up to you, or she competes with you but it seems like you compete with her too. just stop being her friend if your sick of it.

  4. She is most likely jealous of you or she just wants to be just like you. Tell her how you feel. Since from your question, you dont seem like you like her anymore. Maybe you can just stop being friends with her. I had a friend like that, but she is moving and I am kind of happy. I knew she was jealous of me because she would follow me around and just annoy me. She did the same things that your friend does. You can talk it out with her or you can just stop being her friend. She seems hard to be friends with anyway.

    Hope I helped and good luck =)

  5. I personally think you should stop being friends with her.  You two don't really get along it seems. But, if you continue to be friends with her take it as a compliment that she wants to be like you.  She seems to be envious of you style and your ways.  Don't be angry with her, some people need to follow others because they don't have ideas of their own. So they sponge off others ideas.  You should feel deep down like you are the greatest...she wants to out do you. That means you are a Diva.  Handle it with pride not anger.

  6. Sounds like you need to get a NEW best friend.

    Its clearly bothering you since it feels like she is always copying you. Tell her what the deal is. If she doesn't listen or gets mad back then she isn't even that good of a friend to see her own flaws and such.

    She seems too much and if you don't tell her whats bothering you, you're going to have to push away.

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