
Best friend wtf???!!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok i'm having some troble with my best friend she keeps no saying or rubbing in my face that she has a boyfriend and i don't so what should i do about that?

then when ever i'm invited to a party and she isn't she tell me all these thing and who's all going so that i don't go but when ever she gets invited to a party and i don't she goes anyway?

she thinks only about her self alot. it's all about her!!

so my one friend is going to ding doin dich some houses and my best friend isn't invited so i was going to go because every time i go some where with with friend her hole attitude changes like shes so cool and she like flirts with our friends boyfriends, why? so i'm a little afraid of my self getting one then she'll just flirt w/ him!!!

alot of the time she's ok but sometimes she can drive me crazy!!!!




  1. heres one question for u

    why tha eff is she ur  bff then??

    no friend will do that to u if they are ur friend

    shes probley jealous about somehting

    and when u do have a bf and she doesnt  shes going to make up more excuses

    dont listen to her if shes making ur life a living h**l

    just have fun hang with ur REAL  FRIENDS

    enjoy while u can

  2. She is not a goof friend so stop keeping her around. She will only get worse when you get a b/f so try not hanging out with her for a while and see how she likes not having you in her life.  

  3. look im sorry but she isnt a good friend, at all.. she clearly doesnt care bout anyone but herself.. you should prolly just forget bout her. and make new friends..

  4. Someone like that isn't a true friend if you ask me

  5. Why are you still calling her your best friend?  Who needs her?

  6. old are you?? ding dong ditch??? thats really stupid. Just don't pay attention to her, do wat u want, shes probably just jealous.  

  7. Ding dong ditch?  Can't you think of another game that doesn't irritate people?

    Uh, yeah, she's not a true friend.  Drop her like a hot potato and hang out with some real people.

    She's faker than Pamela Anderson's b***s.

  8. I think you should find a new best friend and semi ignore her for a bit then be friends but not BESt friends. She doesn't sound like shes worth the effort. If you get a boyfriend keep away from her!

  9. talk to her about it....and just get a bf if you feel like it and dont be afraid....

  10. wtf is rite

    that aint no frend hate to say it no offence

    but thats a b**ch

  11. tell her when she's bothering you...

    but be nice about it...

    or else you'll lose her,

    and you'll regret it later.....

  12. Then she obviously isn't your best friend. I think you should back away from her. Not just blow her off and say 'we aren't friends any more' but keep a distance. Don't tell her EVERYTHING going on in your life...secrets... etc. She's not one you can trust totally with everything. I have friends that I don't trust or be seriously close with because of how they are. Just let one go a few months ago because she bit'ch'd about me not getting her a b-day gift. I took her with me on errands to let her pick something out but she took forever. I had things to do that day and she thought my whole day was to take her on a shopping spree (which is what she was telling everyone on the phone too.). When I went off on her, she got mad like it's my fault. So I didn't get her S**t. Should have wrapped something up and said "enjoy." Such a long story. But she also flirts a lot. Got with this boy I was talking to. Seems to have a thing for my X. Just gotta stay away from peeps like that.
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