
Best homeschool programs?

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My daughter is 4 and at a 7 year old academic level. I would like my wife to homeschool her, but we would like to know what are reputable, accredited programs? What are poor programs? What do we need to look out for? I want to start her at the kindergarten level, but progress with her abilities, not with a calendar. We are in Kansas and she can't even enter kindergarten until she is 5 and even then, it's not required by the state. Help? Ideas? Pointers?




  1. abeka is good.

  2. My best advice would be to get yourself to a homeschool curriculum convention. There, you and your wife can look over a plethora of available curriula and decide what matches best with your daughter's learning style and interests.  Very briefly searching, I found this one:

    It may or may not suit you.  Do not allow the religious tone of the convention organizers to put you off. Go and check out the vendors and ignore what doesn't suit.  We routinely go to the Christian Homeschoolers of PA convention and just skip the "no evolution" and "train your child" kind of vendors :)

    One of mine was very advanced and we skipped K entirely - it would have been a waste of time. I'd prefer to start them at the level they belong (which may vary by subject) and allow them to progress at their own speed.

    We personally are not religious, but chose Sonlight because my kids love books and learn well by reading. We use Saxon for math and Real Science 4 Kids.  But these may not be right for your child.  Honestly, I found most new homeschoolers spend a fair amount of different curriculums before they find one that fits them - so my advice would be to BUY USED :)   Try it out for less, and if you like it, you can always spring for new.

    Good luck, this will be a wonderful journey!

  3. We use Sonlight and LOVE IT ! I don't think is an "Accredited" program but I have looked into and tried a couple of others and we kept wanting to go back to it!

  4. I did a program called Alpha Omega academy. It is a correspondence program-they do some of your grading and stuff.

    It was great! Highly recommend this one, it is especially strong in grammar.

  5. I used to live in KS and HS'ed there for three years.  I would look into K12 if you child is academically gifted.  In fact, in KS, there are several virtual public schools that use K12.

    Your best choice, IMO, is Lawrence Virtual School.  I was offered a job as a parent-teacher liaison with them the same week my DH rec'd his offer in IL.  They are an awesome school!

    If you don't want to be part of a virtual public school, you can purchase K12 on your own (Consumer Direct) and be an independent HS'er like I am (and always have been).

    We've used K12 for five years with our profoundly gifted son and it's awesome!!!

  6. If your daughter is already at a 7 year old level, I would skip K and move directly into 1st grade - otherwise she will probably be bored.

    You really don't need an accredited program.  Here is some info on accredited homeschooling:

    The best curriculum for your daughter really depends upon her interests and learning style.  A child who loves reading will benefit from an entirely different program than a child who likes hands on activities and moving around.

    I think the first thing you need to do is find out how your daughter learns best and think about how you want to teach her.  This is known as the homeschooling methods.  Here is a description of the different homeschooling methods along with some suggested resources:

    You can find reviews of different programs at:

    I agree that you should find a curriculum fair to attend so you can view materials up close.  There's one coming up in Kansas at the end of April:

    Here's some info about prepaing for and navigating a homeschool curriculum fair:

    Best wishes!

  7. Saxon Mathematics is an excellent math system.

  8. Saxon curriculum is great ! If your child is already for advanced work, then let her do it. Don't make her do work that she has already mastered. Children are more capable than they are given credit for.

    Saxon also has a GREAT phonics/reading program.

    Every child is different. One curriculum may work better for one subject and not so well with a different subject.

    You should google the laws for your state to start with. Check to see if there are any home school organizations in your area.

    Saxon should have a placement test on their web site to help guide you to what level your child is on according to their program. There is a 800 number too that you can call. When you google them, make sure to goole Saxon Home School Curriculum.

    I wish you the best of luck !

    a home schooling mom

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