
Best marcial arts?

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What would be the best type of marcial arts if i was to get into a fight? no, I'm not going to start a fight but if someone wanted to fight me, I would fight back and would try to win. People don't think Im tough but I want to prove them wrong. there's a kid who is basicly anorexic and he thinks he's cool and tougher then me and he's really not so i want to show him that, im not goin to fight him unless he's really asking for it. I'm 13 and am in 7th grade. I was thinking karate or ju jitsu, maybe kick-boxing?




  1. i could tell you which school of martial art to take but to be quite frank when you tell your master that your taking martial arts to kick someones butt he will dismiss you. furthermore i've been doing martial arts for about 2 1/2 years and might be able to hold my own in a fight agaisnt an untrained fighter but just doing something like 2 weeks of fighting does nothing for you.

    in terms of best martial arts, most people now adays will say that it is Brazilian Jujitsu. However there is no best art. What Brazilian jujitsu practitioners neglect to mention is how hard it is to use it effectively when there is more than one person. every art has it's ups and downs and thats why we do cross training.

    your main issue here is two things. your wasting your time looking for the "best" art instead of finding a dojo (school). secondly in martial arts you want to avoid a fight as much as possible, even if it means running away. there is no shame in that. if the other kids can't handle a mature responce like that then you don't have a thing to prove to them.

  2. not sure but after you kick his *** get back into english class and learn how to spell martial

  3. I am about to dispensed the most unpopular answer for this question, but somehow I feel the need to express the reality of the facts.

    The most common answers that will be given to you here are usually from people who are currently taking the art ( Whatever they maybe).  While I applaud of the fact that they are loyal and dedicated to their perspective art. Self-endorsement from a group of underage teens with 2 weeks training does not qualify as the yardstick to determine which martial arts is the ultimate.  

    With so many variant of fighting art styles from around the world, its difficult  to determine who hold the distinction of being the best or the most "lethal" form of martial arts.    Many can say "BJJ", but BJJ can be beaten by Kenjutsu-ka ( practitioner of the Japanese Swordmanship).  But practitioners of Kenjutsu can easily be beaten by Kyudoka ( Practitioners of the Japanese Archery).  This argument will and can  go on and on and on with no ends in sight.  

    While there's no doubt that many forms of modern martial arts have proven themselves in the combative sports arena, it cannot however defined itself as the ultimate forms of "self-defense" or "martial arts".  I have been training for a very long time and along with many respectable long time practiotioners in this forum, We can't even  determine which arts is considered the "ultimate".   Experienced martial arts practitioners and instructors don't go around claiming that our style is the "ultimate" martial arts.

    So what it really boils down to is that there is no such thing as the "ultimate" martial arts.  If they truly exist,  then many of us would not be wasting our time training in our respective "inferior" martial arts.   Every martial arts have their own strenght and weakness regardless of style, culture or history.  

    My sincere advice to you is, instead of wasting your precious time on the internet looking and chasing after that ultimate "mythical" art.  I respectfully recomend that you do something productive for youself and join any martial arts or cross train in several arts and seek to achieved whatever it is that you desire.  

    There may not be an ultimate martial arts, but one can become an ultimate athlete !

  4. I'd think maybe Hapkido or some form of Jujitsu (the standing version-- not BJJ, although it's cool for groundfighting ), so that way you can learn some joint-locks. That way, you can show him that you can fight, but at the same time, you won't need to beat the cr** out of him.

    Nothin says "I CAN hurt you, but don't really WANT to" like a good arm-lock.  ;-)

  5. The best Martial Art is just plain old basic Karate. It is easy to understand. If you could just learn the basic blocks you could easily defend yourself.

  6. Best striking - Karate (Enshin or Kyokushin)

    Best throwing - Judo

    Best grappling - Brazilian jiu-jitsu

    Don't think that because Bjj is known to dominate that you will dominate with it.  I have heard stories of people going down to the ground to submit others and getting stabbed down there.  I wouldn't grapple with someone at all unless I was forced to.  Karate is my first choice, then learn Judo/Bjj combined in one class for complete mastery of any fight you would find yourself in.  Bjj takes 10 years to achieve black belt in as opposed to 3 in Karate, so I recommend starting with Karate(Enshin).

  7. I agree with my old teacher who said the best thing to do in a fight is to avoid it. Talk your way out of it, run away, find an adult to help you. If you absolutely have to fight  then make sure you protect yourself and keep your eyes open.

    Any martial art takes years to master so whatever you select won't help you fight that kid now. I have been training in jujutsu for the past five years and just got my brown belt three days ago. I have three more years to go until I get to black belt. It is then that I will begin my serious training. If you study  a similar art, by the time you are ready to fight that kid he will be off to college, hopefully one where he won't  be bothering you.

  8. You could try jiu-jitsu but saying that,

    Just my opinion but as others have said ultimately its down to the individual to adapt to and feel comfortable using

    How many times have I said this Hmmm :)***
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