
Best way to lose weight.?

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I've recently been gaining alot of weight. 40 pounds to be exact. I need to lose fast and I need to know of some foods or things I could do to get back in shape. =] Detailed please.




  1. The treadmill for 30 min at least 2 a week is your friend. Also i've been on dr. Ian smith fat smash diet and i lost 20 pounds in 9 days just in the detox period. (fruits and veggies only) Its good check it out.  

  2. work out, have small snacks thourought the day, dont stop eating, makes you fatter........

    try 100 calorie packs, or lean cusines(be carefull, high in sodium), stuff that has weight watcher points on it. =]

    work out ! :D

  3. work out at the gym

  4. don't go to any fast foods! ride bike! walk a random dog you find in someones yard! kidding! play tennis because tennis is my favorite sport!

  5. East six small measl throutout the day rather then thee big ones....dont east after 6 pm ,,,,,,,and drink losts of water ....and NO juice or caffine then  exersise with Jack  

  6. Changing the composition of your body all starts with diet.  Check out  (it says for men, but applies to anyone). for a some general guidelines.  Getting the diet in check is the first step.  The next step is to add in exercise.  You need to start slowly with what you can handle: walking, light jog, biking, swimming, light weightlifting, and continue to improve.  I would shoot for 3-4 workouts a week with about 30 minutes per session.  You should keep the exercise varied so you don't get bored with need to bang out hours on the treadmill.

    One of the most valuable things you can do is keep track of your diet and workouts in a notebook.  Write down EVERYTHING you eat and drink, and record your workouts.  This gives a reality check real quick.

    Another useful post:

    If you do these things, you will see the fat melt away.  Let me know if you would like any help, or if you would like me to help you put together an exercise plan (free of course).


  7. Personal experience.  Eat less, walk more.

  8. go  wheat  free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food after 7

    p.m.  People  achieve  marvellous  results  with it. Depending on your

    initial  weight,  you can drop upwards from 20 pounds a month. If you don't eat  wheat  then you don't eat all those sticky, fatty goey cakes, you don't  eat  junk  food,  and  you don't eat biscuits. But your diet is

    still  balanced. It costs nothing, and you do not have to calculate points or to buy special meals or plans.

  9. Cut out all the sugar, excess fats, starch and white carbs in your diet like white bread, white rice, white potatoes, etc. Drink lots of water or sodium free seltzer and try to walk for at least 30 min. every day. Aside from trying a fad diet which can do more harm than good when dropping pounds, slim down the old fashioned way by eating lots of fresh fruit and veggies, healthy lean proteins like chicken and lean beef, and staying away from hidden sugars and salts like process foods, cheese, juices and diet snack foods (often loaded with chemicals and salt!) Snakcing on healthy foods several times a day can help with portion control and supposedly, smelling the scent of apples and bananas can suppress the appetite. Good luck!

  10. run or bike ride

  11. weight watchers works. also exercise  

  12. You gain weight because you take in more calories than you use. If you want to lose weight you need to eat better and exercise more. That's the fastest way. And I'm not talking about going on a diet, I mean change how you eat permanently to a balanced diet. If you just can't give up certain foods, you just need to exercise more to make up for it.

    Good luck.

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