
Best way to overcome a hangover?

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Hungover. What can I do besides drink water, already drinking plenty of it.




  1. Drink lots of water. Most of your hangover is caused by dehydration. After you ingest alcohol, your body breaks it down into (among other things) acetaldehyde, before converting it into less harmful substances. The acetaldehyde messes with your brain at the same time as a host of depleted minerals are short-circuiting your nervous system, and that's in addition to low blood sugar and the classic headache-and-dry-mouth symptoms caused by dehydration.

    Eat before you start drinking, and drink extra fluids like juices before you start drinking. One glass of water BEFORE you start drinking does as much good as two glasses the next day when you're hung over.

    The darker the liquor, the more likely you will have a hangover. Also the cheaper the booze, the more likely you will get a hangover. If you drink liquor mixed with carbonated beverages, you are more likely to get a hangover than if you drink your liquor mixed with fruit juices.

    Your liver breaks down alcohol at the rate of about a beer an hour, so spreading out the drinking over the course of an evening will lessen the likelihood of a hangover.

    You lose a lot of B vitamins through excessive urination while drinking, so a B complex or at least a multi-vitamin will help to replenish the vitamins you burned while drinking.

    Cysteine directly counteracts the poisonous effects of acetaldehyde. Take 200mg cysteine (available at specialty food stores).

    Take 2 aspirins (never acetaminophen if you are a heavy drinker because it can cause liver damage, and the alcohol is already damaging your liver).

    Take 600mg vitamin C (it gets flushed out when you urinate).

    Take 1 tablet vitamin B-complex

    Mix the following ingredients together in a blender:

    1 banana

    1 small can V-8

    6 large strawberries

    2 tablespoons honey

    1 cup orange juice

    1-2 cups milk (or soy milk), to desired consistency

    ¼ tsp. salt

    dash of nutmeg

    Drink it all up.

    If necessary, follow up with a dose of Maalox, lots of Gatorade, and bouillon soup for dinner. These ingredients will rehydrate your body, replace essential vitamins and minerals, and help rid your body of some of the toxic byproducts of metabolized alcohol.

    For a headache that drugs don't seem to touch, try an icepack or a bag of frozen veges wrapped in a towel, 20 minutes on your head, 10 minutes off.

  2. Time is the only thing that will make a hangover go away. Whenever I have one I just get into bed and sleep it off.

  3. dink a glass of wine or a beer in other words more alcohol in a lower portion  

  4. get an IV. seriously. it helps loads.  

  5. EXCERCISE seriouly go for a run or do any cardio it helps majorly cause it destresses your body.


    sleep and sleep and sleep and sleep

  6. A can of beer and headache medication like Excedrin and/or an anti-emetic like Dramamine.

    I know, I didn't believe it either but it works!

    If you're too f*cked up right now to get anything down, then I suggest that you just lie down and duke it out until you feel better.

    Sometimes, drinking water only makes you PUKE more when you're hung over.

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