
Bestfriend self esteem dillema?

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Ok so my bestfriend is overweight and she really doesn't like how she looks and i am a witness that she tries her best to shed the fat and stay healthy so i can't really say she's not trying. So she's really down right now and she keeps ranting about how she's fat and ugly. I keep telling her that she's perfect the way she is but she just won't listen. What should i do?

Here are some pictures of her




  1. She's just a little chubby but she is definitely adorable. Seriously. She's super cute. I guess the best thing you can really do is support her. Is she living a healthy lifestyle? Eating and exercising right? She is definately not ugly. But when she says she's fat you can say something like, "Well, at least you're making an effort." or "I think you're healthy, not fat." I don't think it would be best for you to lie to her but you don't have to totally straight out say things like "You're fat" (but it doesn't sound like you'd do that). Just be there for her. There's not a lot you can do for people with low self esteem, it's kind of an issue that they fight within themselves. Hope all goes well!

  2. If she feels unhappy about the way she looks there is little you or anyone else can do to dissuade her.

    You sound like a really good friend, just keep up the good work being supportive ans listening when she's down.  

    No one is ever happy about everything in in their lives but with a good diet and plenty of exercise your friend will loose the weight if she wants to.  I completely agree with the 2 comments  above your friend is far from ugly.

  3. she is a beautiful girl! tell her that because its true. she is also very young and has her whole life to plan and live. people are way too wrapped up in physical appearance. some of the most vibrant s**y women who ever lived were not skinny. Look at Mae West! and I could name others, but you get the idea.  

  4. yea..kinda on the chubby side [she's cute though]

    but if she really does want to loose weight, support her.

    If ya'll live close walk together n when ya'll hang out

    at home for example have healthy pizza

    with vegetables..light on the cheese n pepperoni.

    if you keep telling her "oh no ur okay, ur not fat"

    she wont listen and will get more self conscious.

    help her with her goal =)

  5. Honeslty I don't see why she's too down on herself,

    she's not even that big at all but she's super-pretty. :)

    As long as she's healthy and happy I see no problem with the way she looks,

    she's gorgeous.:)

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