
Beta fish too strong?

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Ok so i found a small fish tank in my garage and i decided to put a beta in it. the issue is that he keeps dirtying up his bowl. so i put a snail in with him ,but he is an angry fishy ,so he killed the snail. then i went to the pet store and they suggested that i put a ghost shrimp in with it instead of another snail in the tank. I asked if my fish would kill these shrimp, the worker responded " he shouldn't , but you might want 2 just to be safe. so i put the shrimp in the tank and within 2 minutes my fish is slamming them into the gravel. Now there's only one shrimp left, the other is missing in action. although i am proud that my beta is apparently a prize fighter , is there anything that can survive against it and clean his bowl? the bowl is about half a gallon. i have no intentions of getting a bigger bowl or adding a filtration system, so those answers are not an option. I was looking at one of those sucker fish things but they seem to take up too much space. let me know.




  1. Try a large algae eater.

  2. If he's in a half gallon bowl then nothing else can go in there. If you upgrade your tiny tank into a bigger one, you then can definately have tankmates, like platies, mollies, cory catfish and loaches. His tiny bowl keeps getting dirty because the ammonia is building up (from his waste), in that tiny bowl you should be doing water changes like every 4-5 days.

  3. The beta shouldn't have killed the snail, they can hide in their shell. Are you sure the snail was dead? If it's a fairly new betta, you may be able to get a new one from the store you got him from, otherwise their is no choice but to clean the tank almost everyday.

  4. No animal that you can buy will eat fish waste. Adding something else will only make the problem worse.

    If you aren't willing to upgrade the tank or clean it yourself, you shouldn't have a fish. See if the pet store will take it back, and do some research before you buy another one.

  5. I saw this once on Mark Marron's pet show, and it seems pretty simple. I've done it once or twice in my betta's tank and it works. You get a pretty big drinking straw and put your finger on the top to seal it, then put the other end in the water pointing at a piece of gunk. Release your finger from the other end for a second to vacuum up the gunk. That'll get rid of the big chunks. My betta's water is pretty calm and doesn't get stirred up much, and he's alone in there (no snails or anything), so the stuff mostly settles to the bottom in the rocks so it isn't too noticable. Hope I helped.

  6. well why don't you just clean your fish more often i have a beta and i clean it!

  7. Are you feeding him live or frozen meats? If so thats probably why. Switch over to some pellets or just clean the tank alot! HOpe I helped!

  8. If your talking about algae, then just get a algae sponge to clean it, if your talking about the tank being DIRTy then shoul clean the tank

    I have a betta and i clean it's tank once a week, but because the tank is so small, you should clean it twice a week.

    Don't forget water conditioner
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