
Betta Behavior??

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I have my betta in a large goldfish bowl. I've noticed that there are bubbles along the top edge (they go fully aroud the opening of the bowl) where the water stops at the top of the bowl. Is this my betta's doing or am I doing something wrong when cleaning it?




  1. Bettas like small habitats. get a smaller bowl or something at ur local petstore.

  2. What your Betta is doing is called Bubble Nesting- It's a natural and normal behaviour for Bettas. Male Bettas build bubble nests to store babies when they spawn, however, even when they aren't around females, they do it.

    Is your fishbowl filtered or heated? If not, then I would suggest moving your fish into a proper heated, filtered tank. He will live a longer, happier life.

    EDIT: Putting him with six females is a BAD IDEA. It won't make him really happy- It will probably result in his death. Six females alone is called a sorority, and that's fine- Just don't mix sexes. If you don't want to buy two tanks, get a small mirror, and put it next to his tank for a few hours every day. He will flare at it, thinking it's another male. It also won't hurt him, and he will get some exercise.

    Please, though- Just because your boy is bubble nesting, doesn't mean he wants a girl- Breeding Bettas is hard work, and often results in death. Leave him to his nesting, it doesn't hurt him.

  3. he is ready to breed or happy

  4. Your betta has built a bubble nest.  Betta splendens are bubble nesters, where they attach the eggs to bubbles that float on the surface to protect them.  Other betta species, like betta enisae, are mouth brooders and will keep the eggs in their mouths for the two days before they hatch.  

    He is just building a nest to practice.  It's like how guys in prison still do push ups, even if they're in there for life and will most likely never see a girl again.  

    I recommend that you upgrade your tank to a nice five gallon heated tank with an airator.  In fact, buy two of those nice large tanks and put two bettas next to one another.  Your betta will be much more lively with a friend to look at, and he'll flare and dance around.  It's cute to watch, and he's happier.  Just don't put them in the same tank.  Bettas are territorial, and need more space than a five gallon to be housed together peacefully.  

    If you really want to make your betta happy, put him in a ten gallon tank with six females.  That's called a "betta harem" and he'll play with them but not breed.  Just make sure to have lots of hiding spaces (sometimes things get rough) and only have one male in the tank and to introduce all of the bettas at the same time.

    Edit:  To the person who said that bettas like small habitats, I have this response.  No, they don't.  The most space you give your betta, the more room it'll have to patrol its territory and swim around.  More space is a good thing.  Please don't put your betta in small containers.  They get bored and lethargic, and may get sick.

    Edit:  Actually, putting a male betta with six females is perfectly fine if you give them enough space.  I have a tank with one male and six females and it is a very happy environment.  Everyone is healthy and no nipped fins.  Lots of plants and caves, of course.
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