
Betta fish and companions?

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what are some fish that bettas will most likely get along with?




  1. I've included a link to an awesome article that outlines all the good, bad, and possible tankmates for bettas.

    Good luck!

  2. danios

    get at least 6 or they may nip your betta

  3. Well male bettas should only bekept with bottom feeders such as plecos, other catfish, snails, cories, ect. However female bettas can be kept with Danios/minnows, guppies, mollies, platies, rainbow fish, rasbora, swordtails,and tetras they can also coexsist with other female betta, loaches, and shrimp/crab

  4. In a large community tank they will get along with most other fish as long as they don't have long flowing fins or the body shape of a betta.  Betta's are territorial so it is important that they have enough room to stake out their own area.  


  5. They will pretty much get a long fine with anything as long as its not another make betta, or any other fish with flowy fins. The flowy fins make it think of another male betta. I've had my betta in with guppies, mollys, platys, gouramis, goldfish, tetras, barbs or neons, angel fish.

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