
Better Voting System?

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To become a registered voter, take away the 18yrs+ vote limit and replace it with:

1a) must have high school diploma

1b) must be enrolled or graduated from a vocational school, college, or university (for the G.E.D. people)

2) must pass a drug test

3) Why shouldn't felons vote? They aren't necessarily uneducated, and I'm sure the ones that meet the above requirements votes count, considering they probably watched a lot of TV in prison.

For the votes:

1) Take "vote all Democrat" and "vote all republican" and even the "Democrat" and "republican" (independent and the other less well-known ones too) next to their names, off the ballots; it should be up to you to know who believes in what.

2) cannot be inebriated in any way (alcohol, pot, whatever. You can be an alcoholic and vote, you just have to be sober when you do)

Let's face it: as it is, Democracy is a joke. No one cares about the issues, and I think MY vote would count for more than some of the 18 year olds I've seen (I even meet the above requirements [a coincidence] and I've seen some stupid 18 year olds.) With the above guidelines for registered voters and voting policies, we would be more likely to get "good" votes rather than the votes of the people that vote for a person just because they're black/female/republican/white/male/democ... liars on TV.

so what do you think? good ideas, bad ideas, what are they and why?




  1. All good ideas...but for me it's the elected officials that are the problem. They are very dishonest( for the most part). To clean up the system we need to take away the pay. They need real jobs and everything they do in office, needs to be voluntary. That's how it was in th beginning...I think we should go back to it. It would change things I think.

  2. Under 1b, should also say be in the military under honorable conditions.

    Felons, no, they should have not broke the laws.

    No straight tickets. If you like the presidential choice but not the VP you can switch or any other place too.

    Better yet , take the name off the ballot and just have the party next to the position.

    And how about bringing back the poll tax? $100 to vote in a federal election and the money goes to the next campaign.

  3. a.

  4. Well if some one is old enough dumb enough or smart enough to go and die for their country then i think they should be able vote. How about this instead. Manditory service in the armed forced for no less then 2 years to ubtain your civic rights. Why get to choose what goes on in this country unless you are willing to fight for this country.
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