
Better number 10?????

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Who is the better number 10? wilko or carter?? give ur reason y?




  1. I wouldn't have Wilkinson in the top 10's now anymore. It depends what type of game you want to play. In wet conditions I don't think anybody can beat Ronan O'Gara but in dry I'd say it's a toss up between Carter and despite his youth, Danny Cipriani.

  2. Both great players, I think Carter would stick out, BUT and I must say BUT, dependant on where your from I believe that Carter was always out played in the NPC and Super 10/12 by Carlos Spencer.  The difference between them both were forward packs.  Carlos had a good forward pack and Dan had an awesome forward pack.  My opinion only.  Go the Canes!!!!

  3. i think jonny Wilkinson was an amazing player i think he is slowly losing his touch so i would have to go for carter

  4. James Hook is better than Wilkinson..

    Lyn jones has stated that the Ospreys (a club carter was lined up with in the press) do -not want Carter because they have James Hook. the real world..and at the point people have to pull  out their check books...James Hook is better than both of them.

  5. carter - he is a much better all round player.

  6. Carter - The man is a machine

  7. dam there both brilliant, in a minut i cant tell you there very evenly matched!!!!

  8. Dan Carter and jonny Wilkinson are amazing flyhalfs each in there own light, both very dynamic, and unbelievably talented. it would be a tight race any day but i must say Carter is slightly better with ball in hand

  9. Wilkinson, come on hes the points leader. Though I am a carter fan, thats my team baby. But I'm still going with Wilkinson.

  10. I think i would have to say that Carter is better.

    Johnny Wilkinson had his time where he done really well and played amazing.

    But Dan Carter is now coming into his 'brilliant' stage in my eyes. They're both excellent but Dan Carter is just so fit and strong so he's on top. But if we were discussing the best fly-Half in the world i would say Ronan O'Gara.

    Because his kicking ability is fantastic and he's jst so good-minded and tactical.

  11. May I point out that neither of them would play any better or worse if their number were 9 or 11?

  12. good question!!! wilkinson in 2003 was amazing and no one could touch him. unfortunately his form has slipped due to injury and change in the players around him oh! and lets not forget age haha...

    carter is class and at the moment he is probably the better of the two,however it does riase the question about who is the better fly half especially seen as england (wilko) finished ahead of NZ (carter) in the RWC.

    but currently without a doubt carter's is better. his form and all round play is brilliant and i think he's the better flyhalf maybe not with the boot but in the reading of play etc he is top class!!!
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