
Bicultural children?

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I have an informative speech coming up in a week and a half and I am looking for some information.

Does anybody have websites that are run by news stations(cnn, times, fox, etc...) that have statistics and pros/cons on interracial children.

And if you don't have a website article, if you by chance know of a journal or magazine article that was published on the topic, I would greatly appreciate that also.

Thank You




  1. MSN did a week long series on the net back in March or April.

  2. Biracial or bicultural?   If it's biracial, plenty has been written on it.  Check out your library databases, particularly if its for an informative speech.

  3. Can't help you much, but you may want to mention Barack Obama- half white and half black. Maybe you could talk about how some are raised by a parent of only one race, and how this effects their feeling a belonging.

    Obama 08 :)
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