
Biden's daughter arrested?

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Why didn't the media jump all over Biden's daughter's arrest last week the way they jumped on Bristol Palin for being pregnant?

Which is worse--pregnant or obstruction?




  1. His daughter , too??  What a great parent he must be.

    Here's a link to his son's shenanigans.  And this one is in 2008.

  2. pregnant is worse when you comparing 17 to 21  

  3. Shocking that an Obama/Biden house organ like the LA Times would print that.

  4. While I am a Republican and hate the fact the Dem's were low enough to attack a 17 yr old girl who is probably very scared we mustn't sink to their level If you want to attack Biden then attack his leftist agenda attack his running mates proven Unamerican ties.Please people these candidates families are trapped in a media storm and don't deserve what they are getting their children have no bearing on their future performance as the leaders of this country so please leave them out of this.

  5. whoever answers "it was 2002" is a complete hypocrite - they tried to use an arrest from the 70's against Bush in 2000.

  6. Last week? That article is from 2002.

  7. Obstruction!  

  8. AWESOME!  Well, the media is threatend by Palin and so is their Lord, B. Hussein Obama!

  9. Amazing isn't it....

    This should be ALL OVER...

    Why isn't it??????

  10. Haven't heard this one yet the republican reporters are slipping if it is true.

  11. That's a dumb reason to get arrested.

  12. Neither are major issues.  The only reason I'd say the situation with Palin's daughter is slightly more relevant, is because of Palin's abstinence only stance on s*x education.

  13. Well, I am sure they will. But you are in essence comparing a bar fight where an adult was involved with the unplanned (presumably) pregnancy of an under aged child (in the legal sense).

    Also a bar fight doesn't really connect to any policy platforms that I am aware of, whereas teen pregnancy connects with not only the abortion debate, but also contraception, abstinence only education, and for that matter safe s*x (protecting oneself from sexually transmitted diseases)

    In the grand scheme of things they don't really seem to compare.

  14. Because the media looks at a liberals family and says "That's private" and Republican's family it's "Freedom to Know"  They kept Joh Edward's affair a secret for almost a year.

  15. Because the arrest was in 2002 and the pregnancy is current...that would be my guess.  Besides, the media doesn't want to do anything that'll bring negativity to the democratic party.

  16. Pregnant is worst...duh

  17. Probably because Palin's daughter is unwed and 17, and Palin is an advocate for abstinence-only s*x education - which apparently failed her daughter. And some probably feel that since Biden's daughter is 21, that she can be held fully responsible for her actions. Just my thoughts.  

  18. Public people cant have it both ways.  These people r running for th highest office in th land we r th employers n we can ask anything we want.  Sarah wants to impose her morals n values on us, n apparently failed to impose them on her family.  Obviously there is little respect for Mrs & Mr Palin in Alaska.  Th boys don't give it a second thought to have th Palin Girls.  There response is a shot-gun wedding. That is why we have to screwtinize the whole thing.

  19. I know! That's horrible that they jumped on Palin's daughter for being pregnant. She's only 17 and she's being humiliated! It's just not fair.

  20. Ok, so the daughters are fair game?

  21. Because Republicans are 100 percent convinced they've WON.

    Time will tell.

  22. I think several days of media attention were used on the Bush girls and one of their deeds.

    I think Algore III was arrested in the 2000 campaign season and little attention paid to it.

    We have a pattern.

  23. Pregnant, at least when your mom is running a "Family Values" campaign. If the family (meaning the dad too) was keeping tabs on all their children, maybe they would have seen it coming. Or maybe if they would have taught her about safer s*x???

  24. Are you kidding?  Pregnant is MUCH more careless.

  25. can you say double standard?

  26. Which is worse, a party that claims things like this are private family matters when it involves their candidate but not when it involves the other party's candidate?  See, that applies to BOTH parties, so which is worse?

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