
Big Bush and Drilling?

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Why did Big Bush ban offshore drilling in the first place?

Is this another case where he was much more intelligent than his son, such as not invading Iraq?




  1. He didn't go to Baghdad in the first war because the UN told him not to. If he had, we wouldn't have had to go in this time. The UN is to blame for this, Bunky.

    Offshore drilling has been going on for many, many years. It's now necessary to add to it. Those who oppose things that are necessary don't have much intelligence.

  2. Why? At the time it most likely seemed the right thing to do. But now things have changed. If we do not grab up the oil, others will, and are. Until we create more affordable alternatives, we still need it.

  3. The first responder is right. I 'll add here too, we need to tap our own oil resources to add to the oil market, which will bring down prices. Prices are high now because we used to buy nearly all the foreign oil. But other developing countries are buying it too now. And we have to bid against them. Our own oil would eliminate that and drop prices.
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