
Big bang theory idea?????

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Is it possible that the universe as we know it is only the most recent in a long looooonng line of universes that have collapsed and then big banged again?




  1. i think its true. we know that the universe is continously expanding. now, we if we work that backwards, we will sum the entire universe up in a superdense atom, known as the primiveal atom. yes. this atom contained it all..... this atom eventually exploded into the big bang blast. but a question about this theory is that what triggered the explosion. what u say is also a theory, known as the big crunch theory. the universe will continue to expand and collapse(according to this theory)

    speaking of pre bang, its all a big question mark which science cannot answer.

  2. This is known as the oscillating universe hypothesis. Its been around almost as long as the Big Bang theory.   If the Universe had enough matter it would be "CLOSED".  At some point the expansion of the universe would stop, and the gravitation pull would begin to cause the universe to collapse in upon itself, eventually ending in "THE BIG CRUNCH"  In the oscillating universe concept the big crunch yields another big bang.  And it happens over and over again.  Forever.  The main problem is that there doesn't seem to be enough matter in the universe for it to be closed.  It looks like matter has escape velocity:  It is OPEN.  And there isn't any mechanism known that would explain how the black hole resulting from the big crunch could create another Big Bang.  In 1967 I was doing a student presentation about this subject in front of my fellow students.  I'm pretty sure most of them had no idea what I was talking about.  

  3. The idea of a cyclic universe was popular, until recent observations showed that our universe will NOT collapse.  

    If you need the earlier cycles to protect the conservation of matter/energy laws, then you cannot explain why this universe we are in, apparently contains far too much energy to collapse.  

    This would indicate that the energy received from the earlier cycle far exceeded the energy that can be contained in a universe that can collapse.  Self-contradiction.

    The cyclic universe idea was dropped.

    We do not yet explain the "pre-bang event" although many ideas are being tried (some are even called theories, even though they are not yet fully verifiable -- M-theory, String theory, multi-verse with colliding branes...).

    The Big Bang theory simply takes it for granted that the universe began in a state of unbounded energy density (a.k.a. extreme temperature) and that it has been expanding ever since.  It does NOT pretend to even try to explain why or how it was in that state.

    In fact, in using the Big Bang theory, one quickly finds that the theory cannot even go back to time zero.  It can only go back to what is called the Planck Time -- very, very close to zero, but not quite zero.

    Many books have been written about that missing fraction of a second.

  4. That is what the big bounce theory posits.

    Or the universe could be the result of two parallel branes colliding. (String/M Theory)

    "How else could you explain the pre- bang event?"

    According to quantum uncertainty, it's possible that it popped into existence in already existing space from absolutely nothing. But then you're left with the question of where the already existing space came from.

  5. Are we playing the "say anything but God" game?

  6. Possible?  Perhaps.  There's no reason to think this occurred, though.

    There was no "pre-bang" event.  There was no "pre-bang".  The universe is a finite, self-contained phenomenon.

  7. a history channel show called the universe(oddly enough) talked about the end of the universe and all the different hypothesis about it, you could probably find it on youtube, the name is "Cosmic Apocalypse"

  8. Anything is possible however, this theory is just that-a theory. There is no scientific evidence that this recyclingoccurreded.  There is no evidence that the observable universe will collapse.

    It is just a far out theory based on the premise that everything may recycle.  

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