
Big bug spray problemm?

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Okay I was outside with my parents and we have this one OFF bug spray to keep bugs away of course..but i sprayed it on my legs and my legs are peeling well not actually its just from the bug spray and it wont get off

How do I get it off

if i wipe it with water and a paper towel it goes away then comes back

plus i also used it the other day and it stained the carpet thats white too




  1. Take a shower, that stuff is poison, your just rubbing it into your skin.  The rug?  Its probably going to take a professional to answer that, look at the can call the number on it, or write them you have a computer.  Most products today have a web to contact them.  Good luck

  2. Taking a long bath will usually do the trick.

    Next time, you might want to try some alternative insect protection: bug candles, bug hat, more coverage with your clothes.

    Good luck. The smell and feel of bug spray is awful.

  3. Soap and water. but OFF is not the best insect repellent, a better one is Avon's skin so soft. but the best that we have found is Herbal Armor, by All Terrain.

    and it is in most stores.

  4. Take a bath.  This will most certainly insure the removal of the bug repellent; and next time opt for a natural bug repellent.  You can make or purchase natural bug repellents that work great!

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