
Bigfoot found..........?

by  |  earlier

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  1. My thought are that it looks like a costume. But no one will know if it is the real big foot, until they have the evidence.  

  2. what was she doing in georgia

  3. I think there is more than one.  I've seen them in Middle Wisconsin.

  4. gimme a link.

  5. doubt it

  6. It's hard to believe but it's also a possibility, I guess. It will be weird if it really is one, I'm anxious to hear what those scientists say after studying it.

  7. They say they have proof and they show what looks like an ape costume shoved into a freezer lol.  I guess I'll just wait until they release the DNA tests and all that stuff.  I would like to believe that Bigfoot exists, but i'm very skeptical at the same time.

  8. Its really osama bin laden.

  9. shut up!

    god, stop making videos of my mom!

    (just kiddin [:)

    haha i think its a possibility that its real.

  10. i dunno why the bigfoot would be located in georgia

  11. As much as I would like for it to be real............

    but you gotta love campy stuff

  12. According to the new media these same guys were responsible for a Big Foot hoax two years ago.  Now they're trying to tell us that this is the real deal?  I don't think so.  Ask yourself this:

    Why is the body so decayed and the head is relatively pristine?  The rate of decomposition is not uniform.  Obviously whoever is trying to pass this corpse/head off for the real deal has never seen a real animal that has died in the woods and is in an advanced stage of decay.


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