
Bikini's on little girls?

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What is your opinion?

I have boys but wore them as a little girl and if I had a daughter, I don't think I would have a problem w/ them. Am I just naive? Are there more sickos out there than I realize?

I'm asking b/c at swim lessons yesterday, I overheard a couple talking about how wrong it was that another girls parents let her wear a bikini; the girl was approx. 4 years old.




  1. it doesnt matter what a child wears because there a CHILD , no matter what they wear no one should be attracted to them because thats PEDOPHILLIA

  2. I have a 3 year old girl, and I'm sickened by the little skimpy bikini's you can get. It's like you're modelling off your daughter for the perverts in the world or that could be watching. Two piece sets are fine, you can find a fair few of them that aren't skimpy.

  3. To be honest I think they are adorable. My sisters and I wore them as children. I had a little pink one with bows on the sides. As long as they aren't adult looking I really don't see the problem. I think those snarky ladies were just looking for something to complain about.

    That being said...I'm so glad I have a boy.

    Edit: Modesty for a four year old? Hmmm....its not like they are at church. They are outside playing in the water.

  4. theres nothing wrong with i see really skimpy bathing suits on some lil girls and thats just crazy

  5. How is it wrong?   Nothing is being's not like the girls b***s are hanging out!

  6. Personally, my mother and I think they are just fine. But maybe I'm wrong somehow because I don't find bikini's s**y at all. I just think they are cute to wear if you have the right body and you want to take a dip in the pool and stay in there until you're so content and happy that you never want to get out of the pool.

    I don't see anything wrong with it. My friends adorable little sister who was about three was wearing a little bikini and no it was not skimpy because it had the little skirt thing to put on. She was absolutely adorable and she didn't look "skimpy". In fact she looked eager to get to the pool and jump in and swim around as soon as we got there.

    So I don't think there's anything really "wrong" with it. Maybe somehow incorporate those cute swimming skirts with the bikini somehow? But like I said before, I don't find them to be "s**y" or "skimpy" because I just think of them as items you wear when swimming.

  7. my 3 year old wears both one pieces and bikinis. its up to her which one she wears. and if she want s to wear shorts over it that oo is her choice. i buy hers from old navy and they are cute, not skimpy or trashy. her favorite one is a halter tankini with giraffes on it. she also has one from last year that hsas dancing hula girls on it. she wears it to swim no tto get attention from men. h**l if a pervert is going to look at your kid hes going to do it wether shes fully dressed or in a bathingsuit.

  8. personally, i live in a little bitty town, and there are a LOT of perverts (s*x offenders and those who haven't been caught yet) here. So my dd will not wear a bikini in public. if we are at her aunts house where there's a pool or at home splashing around, then as far as dress is concerned, it's fine.

    but i don't like them because there's very little coverage for sunburns and such. this year hers is a tshirt like top and a little skort for a bottom (from target) that has spf 50 built into it. next year will prolly be another suit like that. when she's potty trained, she may be able to wear a one piece but i doubt it because she's long in the torso.

    anyway, there are MANY sickos out there whether you know who they are or not! i also will not allow her to wear "miniature" adult clothes either.

  9. Depends on what you mean by bikini. A string bikini on a little girl is ridiculous. A cute and tasteful two piece, on the other hand, I have no problem with.

    When I was younger, I always prefered two pieces just because it was easier if you needed to go to the bathroom. My younger cousins wear two pieces and they look absolutely adorable in them. Nothing inappropriate about them.

  10. As long as it isn't skimpy.  A one piece is going to stay in place better then a two piece on an active girl though.  Until my daughter is toilet trained, she'll be in a two piece so she can have a reusable leak proof bottom.  Then we'll go with a one piece.

  11. I see no problem with a little girl wearing a 2 pc swim suit.  I think as long has it's not too skimpy.  I have a 4 year daughter and she wears 2 pc suits often.  I think with a 2pc it is easier to take them to the bathroom instead of having to pull down a 1 pc wet bathing suit.  That is horrible.  So I think there is no big deal with a child wearing a 2 pc suit.  And for the ones that don't like it then don't let your daughters wear them and don't look at the girls that are wearing them.  Also don't judge mothers that allow their daughters to wear them.  Just because you thinks it's wrong doesn't mean it is.

  12. nothing wrong with them wearing things  like that when my daughter was 3 she had one  people go to far telling others what to do out there that's what wrong with this country  let them b children   if you don't like my answer go to bible Matthew 7 verse 1 they are only little once enjoy them  they grow up so fast

  13. This has been a heated discussion for years. I will get all kinds of thumbs down for this, but I really don't see anything wrong with it. As long as the proper areas (and then some) are covered, what's the big deal? My daughter wears them and I think she looks cute. Yes, I know, unfortunately there are sickos out there. But, if you think about it... a sicko is a sicko, it doesn't matter what your child is wearing. This day and age, all you can do is try your best to protect your child from those kind of people. And guess what? I've seen some dresses that are much more revealing than bikinis and some parents don't have a problem with those!

  14. My daughter will be 4 in a couple weeks.  I let her wear a bikini.  She's never really in a public setting when she's wearing one, but I don't see the harm.  I'm sorry, but yes, the world is filled with sickos.  Those pervs are going to look at a child the wrong way regardless of what she is wearing.

  15. i dont think there is anything wrong with little girls wearing bikinis i think they are the cutest little things in the world......its not like they are fully developed and have these b***s that can hang out of their shirts....i think it is normal....everyone does it....

  16. well i have a young daughter and when she is old enoughto swim i wont let her wear a bikini there are a lot of sickos and i live in a big city there are s*x offenders all around on every street i suppose if its with family it would be oK or at your home but i dont think it would be appropriate for public place

  17. People are becoming way too over protective. There is nothing wrong with a little girl wearing a childs bikini or even just the bottoms. We did when we were little and there was just as many weirdos around then. They just hadn't invented a collective name for them!

  18. I refuse to let my girls. First, I want modesty and a bikini doesn't protray that. Second, I can't let them wear it as a kid, but force a change as they mature (no double standards over here). Another issue for me is sun exposure. We are all very fair skinned and I don't want the chance of their belly or back burning. I'll not force my preferences on other people, but my girls will be in a 1 piece until they turn 18 or leave my house.

  19. my 5 yr old cousin wears bikinis and theres nothing wrong with little girls wearing those cute lil bikinis w/ the skirt thing... sorry i just think its so CUTE

  20. What I don't understand is when a  parent doesn't allow their baby girl (or 3-5 year old) to wear a two piece, but will allow their teenage girl to wear one.  That is so backwards.  The teenage girl has more to cover up than the little girl!

  21. Personally, if I had a girl, I wouldn't have a problem with a decent two piece suit.

  22. I think it's okay. I think it's the most adorable thing ever when fat little babies wear them with their little sunhats:) But I don't think it's a problem when they're older either...the only reason I would be worried about less coverage would just be extra exposure to the sun-but there's sunscreen for that.

    I think people are more paranoid than they should be about sickos checking out their children. But I could be wrong, I live in a small, rural area...stuff like that doesn't come up that often. We just don't really think about it.

  23. i dont know why they even make clothes like that for lil girls?when they are that lil seems like the concern would be keeping the suit on.... i was at walmart the other day and two lil girls maybe 6 and 8 where in the underwear section looking at tiny little thongs. what in the world does an 8 yearold need a thong for? people let there lil girls dress like adults, and then they wonder why they grow up to fast.  and there are more sick people out there then we realize. its sad but why encourage them to look at these lil girls in that way by dressing them this way?

  24. I don't see a problem with it. My daughter is 2 and has one from old navy and my husband HATES it but I don't see a problem with it...I think I would have more of a problem with it when she is 16 and at the beach with her b***s all over the place and boys looking at her!

  25. Born in 1984, I wore a bikini as a child growing up and all for the rest of my life, I'm sure I'd even allow my daughter to  wear one. In now way was I ever promiscuous!!!  I was stared at but not until I was in High School and well beyond puberty. As for a young child, child molesters are going to stare and do gross deeds whether the child is in a burka or in a two piece! I have seen a lot worst clothing on children now a days to not be worried about two pieces on a little girl.

    Now if it was a little boy in a bikini I'd be worried!

  26. those "parents" are just being ridiculous, I have a little girl and she wears bikin's. I dont see a problem. They are little girls what the heck. Thats just being stupid. Girls like wearing cute things.

  27. i agree with you ! this world is becoming absurd its terrible !!!! im a nurse and to be honest the effin pc brigade have alot to answer for i have a 6 year old who loves swimming and i would never stop her wearing a bikini! bloody h**l its what wee girls do !! im sick of my daughter missing out on things because of other people actions i.e photos at sports day photos at competions i wish people would leave well alone and let the RESPONSIBLE mums and dads continue to bring there kids up in a sensible enviroment were kids are innocent !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x x x

    i am well aware everyone is entitled to there own opinions but for crying out loud these are wee girls doing what wee girls do best ! incase you are all forgetting there have ALWAYS been pervs about its just not been as highlighted ! i cant believe people would stop there wee girls wearing these!!! what nxt are you going to stop them walking down the street in shorts and t-shirt ???? if you look after your child properly then no harm will come to them its when you start to become complacent that bad things happen ! x

  28. My girls can only wear bikini's at home or their grandma's, she has a pool. They cannot in public and cannot at grandma's if there are a bunch of people there. And their bikini's are modest ones, for some reason I hate the triangle ones for tops. There are a lot of 1 piece suits that are inappropriate in my opinion as well. I am very picky about their swimming suits. That is why I like the Speedo brand, they are durable and modest.

    I understand a 4 yr old has nothing to show off, it has to do with teaching modesty from the beginning in my opinion. And some things you just have to wait for, or reach a certain age to do it. And that is something kids don't have to do now days either.

  29. I'm sorry but I don't see the purpose of putting a bikini on a little girl.  Bikinis are meant for women, not children.

    If a parent puts one on her little girl, that's their decision, but I just don't see the purpose of it.

  30. I think they are very cute but of course skimpy bikinis are a bad idea. Now little girls wearing thongs that's just horrible I can't believe they even make them for girls so young. I know that's a little off topic but I just was told about them and was surprised.

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