
Binky??????? Teeth? ?

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Some one told me when you baby has teeth and Sucks on a Binky that there teeth will be all mess up when the get older? Is this true?

i mean with my daughter whose almost 3. that never happened to her she had a binky until she was about 1 1/2 ? almost 2 and her teeth were almost all in. and her teeth never messed up? I guess maybe it could happen? But i don't know?




  1. Yes, it can mess them up when they are older.  Gives them an overbite so like their teeth stick out even when their mouth is closed.  happened to my hubby's cousin.

  2. My daughter sucked a Binky till she was 5. spare the lecture, people. It was her like a security blanket for her.

    She had to get braces when she was 7 and i was SURE it was because i let her suck that stupid thing. The orthodontist shook his head and said NO NO NO that is an old wives tale. She would have needed braces regardless. The Binky doesn't do THAT much damage.

  3. Thumb sucking is much worse, but truthfully most kids with messed up teeth will have them regardless of binky or thumb sucking. Crooked teeth run in families, chances are if you or your partner had braces then your kids will too.  

  4. yes it does happen but only for your adult teeth. usually itll bring a gap inbetween the two front teeth. But this will only happen if you dont ween them off of it soon enough like 3-5

  5. Mine had a dummy till 2.5. I stuck with the newborn size from the beginning. They are 9 now and their teeth are fine. Thumbs are harder to get rid of than dummies and don't put the pressure on the teeth that a thumb can

  6. A binky is better than a thumb or finger. Also its just baby teeth.  The only thing that binkys really do hurt is speech development. So when word are starting to form it may be time to take it away.

  7. you know... that's could be true but that never happened with my kids..

    i think Cricked are a Genetic thing.  and you know.. all those people are right binkys are better that the thumb.. :-)

    You know just lose the binky for a while and if your Baby suck His thumb then go back to the binky "only at night"

    Good luck!

  8. Yes it is true. But it does not always happen but who wants to take the chance?
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