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Any one make and use thier own




  1. No still usiing petrol which is now over £1.03 a  Lt.

  2. I know of a mobile chip van that uses recycled chip fat for fuel.

    His chips taste of diesel though...

  3. Biodiesel is either made of Waste Veggie oil or seeds of plants like Jatropha or even normal veggie oil.

    It is good for the car engine especially the Jatrohpa biodiesel as it cleans the engine while running.

    It is good for environment when barren lands are used to cultivate Jatropha and make bio-diesel.

    It is less polluting.

    About making see the links given , it will also point you to people who have made and used bio-diesel .

  4. I work for a firm that makes their own and to be honest it's not worth the hassle as it smells really bad and causes lots of problems clogging up filters etc when weather is too hot or too cold.

  5. Biodiesel may turn out to be a bad idea. Not only may it make a mess of a modern diesel engine but Many studies are now showing that the overall effect of biofuels may be detrimental for the following reasons

    Food prices are pushed up leading to global problems

    Fertiliser gives rise to NO2 emission which is far more potent than CO2 as a greenhouse gas

    Rain forest are been cut down to grow biofuel crops.

    We are getting trapped between the need for action on global  warming now, and the need to get these things right.

  6. no its made with fossil fuels anyway so there really is no point.

  7. Not yet but im trying Ha Ha Ha HA

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