
Biohazard Medical Waste?

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Ok, I want to know what happen with this type of waste??? How is it handle?? Who comes to pick it up?? What is done with it once in get to the waste management facilities?? and how is the process of separating the diffferent thing are insade those red bags?




  1. Some waste associated with biological materials must be disposed of in special ways because of infection and contaminated contents. This includes all sharps, glass needles, syringe's,blades,from all facility's.Cultures, plates, human blood and tissues.For disposal of such waste lab personnel must sterilize or disinfect all waste with viral bacterial or other agents infections to humans.By autoclave or chemical treatments equivalent to 1;10 bleach solutions. Place all bio hazardous waste No sharps directly into red bags, provided by the facility or services. Sharps are placed in a special type box just for blades,razors,needles, etc. When this box is full its also placed in a red bag for removal.lab personal must label all bags before placing into box this box also has to be labeled as well it has to have date, building lab# and contact person all this also needs to be on outside box. there are several services that pick up the boxes in all facility's.

    All hospitals, residential health care faculties, diagnostic and treatment centers and laboratories Must follow this procedure at all times.Liquid bio hazardous is mixed with bleach and pored down drains into a sanitary sewer system, this has to sit for at least 20 minutes before this can be done. This can not be a chemically hazardous or radioactive substance. Most facility's  use a medical waste pick up  some will mail this waste like boxes of sharps and other waste.Some will do a on site autoclave treatment which sterilizes waste with a high pressure steam process or use an isolyser, a gel compound that will make sharps sterile There are different color bags for different types bio waste. Biohazardouswaste that is collected in gray bags is autoclaved and the pathological waste is collected in red bags, and is incinerated, after all this treatments this is placed in a land fills.

    Human and animal blood products serum, plasma, seminal fluids, vaginal fluids,cerebrospinal fluids,synovial fluids,pleural fluids, peritoneal fluids,amniotic fluids and other potential fluids.

    Colors for different items are

    RED sharps=solely for biological contaminated sharps.

    Opague sharps= for radioctive contaminated sharps.

    Yellow sharps= is for exclusively chemically contaminated sharps.

    Animal carcasses and body parts and organs are placed in a frozen state at originating area. These are placed in a double polyethylene bags, then placed in a freezer then will be transported to a incineration facility.Liquid waste that cannot go down the drain must be placed in a leak proof container,for transport it's essential to have right size and also the outer side also has to be leak proof.Have to have an absorbent substance just in case this were to leak.

    Temptures and times for steam sterilzing infections items===

    Laundry= 250F for 30 minutes 15 minutes pre vacuum of 27 inches of Hg

    Trash=250F for 1 hour with 15minutes re-vacuum of 25 inches of Hg

    Glass= 250F for 1 hour with 15 minutes pre- vacuumof 27 inches of Hg

    Liquids=250 F for 1 hour each gallon.

    Tissue=250 F for 1 hour for each pound with 15 minutes pre vacuum of27 inches Hg

    Beddings=250F for 8 hours with 15 minutes pre-vacuum of 27 inches Hg

    Alot of waste is also shipped to other parts of the country for treatments and dispoal,the sewage systems are full of pathogeric bacteria, parasites, and viruses, this may cause a huge disaster if ever were to bust or over flow any where.

    Try looking up any videos for this on web may find one that showes the procesure.

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