
Biology - Herbivores & Canivorous?

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Carnivorous mammals often have eyes on the front of the head, while herbivorous mammals often have eyes on the sides of th head. Whiy might that be?




  1. For example, mammals like horses, rabbits, deer, moose, and giraffes have eyes on the sides of their head so they can look out for incoming prey that might be a threat. Rodents like mice, rats, squirrels and chipmunks also have that same feature.  

  2. Herbivores are usually preyed on and are always searching for flora on the side gives them a broader range of sight, they are slower aswell so they can spot an enemy, carnivores are meant to run and chase for food and be aware of whats in front not behind

  3. I would say it is because that herbivores like horses are prey. A lion, for example has eyes in front because they are not pray but a predator. Because herbivores are prey they need to be able to what is going on to the side of them.  

  4. Carnivores have eyes on the front of their heads so they can focus on their prey without any distractions[like blinkers on a race horse].Herbivores have eyes to the sides of their heads so they have better peripheral vision and can see their attackers coming at them from the sides as well as the front,eg, an antelope may be able to spot a lion stalking it from the side so it has a better chance of escape.  

  5. Carnivorous mammals need to have eyes on the front their head to their spot their prey.Herbivorous mammals need to have around 360 degree sight to spot predators

  6. Does this mean that man and monkeys, Panda are carnivorous?

    If you allow me to remove the word mammals from your question, then I see many fish, reptile, amphibia, and birds species where position of eye has nothing to do with carnivorous/herbivorus habit.

    Is our assumption about the correlation between the two characters oversimplified/ valid?

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