
Bird regurgitating A LOT.?

by Guest56181  |  earlier

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I know regurgitation is normal (I know the beginning of this message sounds a lot like the 20 others, but bear with me), but my bird all of a sudden started regurgitating much more than normal. She puffs up her feathers and pumps her neck with her mouth open, then she chews, like normal. She has never actually spat out any food, and only does it around me (who is also a female, as you probably already know). She doesn't do this on her toys or anything, just to me and my brother. She appears to do it by choice, because if at any time during regurgitation she is distracted, she will stop and squawk a little. I'm probably worried over nothing, but do any people out there know if really frequent regurgitation is normal? My bird is about 7 years old.




  1. its quite normal and i wouldn't worry about it. it can be part of a birds mating ritual, and may show she really loves you (usually birds will do it to mirrors and toys).

    she is not actually spitting up too much food (so she is not getting malnurished).

    i am not sure if there is much you can do.. maybe get a plastic bird or mirror in the cage to give her something else to focus on..

    just don't worry... it is normal and natural and won't hurt your bird..

  2. My peach fronted conure does this to me all the time but not on anything or anybody else. You just need to ditract her when she does it or put her somewhere else untill she stops. My Cozmo will bring up food if I do not stop him when he is doing it!

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