
Birds and bee's?

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my extremly intelligent 6 yr old daughter asked me this morning how babies get into your belly. I told her that we would talk about it after she gets home from school. how much info is too much? please help!!!! p.s. QUICK




  1. i don't see anything wrong with telling her now.  It just depends on how much you want to say.  Definately the "when a mommy and daddy love eachother very much" part and I would probably even say that he puts his p***s inside her v****a and that makes a baby.  Just tell it like it is.  If you get to wordy she'll probably just get more confused.  Obviously the talk about ovulation, periods, and ejaculation can come when she's older.

  2. the best way to describe it is to say that a man has something inside his body called a sperm and it looks like a little tadpole. A woman has eggs and every month one of her eggs comes out and down a tube and waits for a sperm to come and fertilize it almost like you fertalize a plant. Tell her that God made a man's body and a woman's body so that they fit together like a puzzle and when a mommy and a daddy want to have a baby they have what's called s*x which when they put their bodies together to make the puzzle and then the sperm finds the egg inside the mommy's tube and starts to grow a baby.

    I would advise you to get a couple books to help guide you through the conversation but that is how I explained it to mine.

    Then as she gets a little older you can add details about how when the egg comes out into the tube that the mommy's uterus builds a lining to protect a baby in case ne is fertalized but if the egg is not fertalized then the protective lining is not needed anymore so it comes out and that is how a woman gets a period once a month where she has some bleeding and cramping. It's a natural cycle that happens once a month.

    EDIT: I wouldn't go as far as to say a man puts his p***s in the woman's vagine...not yet. She is only 6 and mature for her age or not, that is a little too much detail for that age and she isn't mature enough to know not to go telling others her new found news.

  3. just remember this:

    dont tell her anything that u are going to have to explain to all of her friends parents when they call you. any six year old who finds out this information is going to think it is too strange and amazing not to share with all of their friends.

    good luck!

  4. be as honet as possible... but leave out the birds and bees actually "playing"..

    i feel for you i honestly

  5. You can say when mom and dad hold each other in a special way, they can make a baby, but you need both a mom and a dad to do that. That'll probably be enough.

    They also have age-appropriate books on this. Try your library or bookstore.

    Then again, knowing 6-year-olds, she'll probably have forgotten she asked by the time she gets home!

  6. I told my children that God put them there when He saw how much mom and dad loved each other. When mom and dad hug and kiss, and love each other alot God puts a baby under mom's heart to keep it safe and love it untill it is big enough to breath on it's own.

  7. just say that when mummies and daddies love each a lot they wish together that they will make a baby and after 9 months mummy belly gets so big that one day when she sneezes out come the baby from no where.


  8. I have 5 children ages 10-1 yrs. So I have answered this question many times. What I would says is, " When a man and a woman love each other very much (or mommy and daddy) and they want to have a baby together. Part of mommy and part of daddy come together to make a baby. The baby grows inside of mommy until it's big and strong enough to be born. My daughter would ask if we mixed daddy's legs and mommy's face to make Hudson (our littlest one) I just explained that making a baby was kind of like making a cake. You take flour and eggs, sugar and oil (mommy and daddy) mix them together and bake them in the oven until it's ready (mommy's belly) Then when it's ready we have a new baby for the world to enjoy (but not to eat) I would leave out the details. No matter how smart and mature she is, she will not want to know how the parts got mix together and put inside mommy's tummy. If she really wants to know how it got into your belly, just tell her that god wanted mommy to take care of this little person and it needs to stay inside of me until it's strong enough. I hope this helps! The most important thing is not to lie to her and tell her a story about a stork or a baby fairy. But also to not be too uncomfotable and embarrassed, Kids are like bloodhounds and they will pick up on that and wonder what your not telling them.

    Good luck!

  9. I've always read in parenting books and stuff that you should answer only what they ask.  So start very general--VERY broad--and give her whatever amount of information seems to answer her curiosity to this point.  When my oldest child was getting ready to go to kindergarten, he asked THE QUESTION, too, and he kept asking, the "But then what..." stuff, and he started school with quite the working knowledge of how it all goes down!  It wasn't something I was exactly ready for at the time, but I felt a whole lot better knowing that he got the TRUTH from me rather than some crazy version at school.  Just take it in baby steps, but yes, do be honest with her.  She's gotta know it sooner or later, and in this over-sexed world we're living in, it's better to hear the real scoop from mom, IMHO.  

    Good luck!  : )

  10. No information is too much; she asked an honest question and she deserves the best answer you can give her. Tell her that a baby is made when 2 people who love each other have s*x. Explain to her s*x is when a male inserts his p***s into the females v****a, sperm then comes out of the p***s and into the female's v****a and flows up to the uterues where it meets the egg, it then produces a fetus which in 9 months turns into a baby.Then the baby comes down the vaginal canal and out the opening.

  11. Tell her that women have microscopic eggs that are only one cell big, in their fallopian tubes.  One egg goes into the uterus about every month.  

    Men have sperm, which are one cell big, too, inside of their testicles.  

    When a sperm gets inside of the uterus & goes inside of an egg, the cells start going crazy - dividing in half, creating new cells & growing a baby.

    Show her images online of male & female reproductive organs if she wants more info.  ( go to & type in 'reproductive organs' or some similar search term)

    Just answer her questions, with real, biological information.

  12. In an open way is good,just spill it mom,no time is a good time for this talk,just get it out of the way now,just tell her everthing you think she can understand,it is human nature for a child to wonder how a baby gets in a womans belly,you will be fine and so will she. good luck....

  13. just tell her the basics for now. she doesn't need to know more than that just yet. Give her the short form.

  14. dont tell her shes six years old tell her ur tell her when shes older!!!

  15. When my girls asked me questions, I answered the exact question.  No extra, no elaboration.   How do babies get in mama's tummies?  

    Well you gotta have the background on this.

    First,  you "blame" alot on God.

    God makes butterflys fly.

    God makes  worms wiggle like that and be gross.

    You get the idea.  

    Then when you get to the really hard questions like

    Where  do babies come from... you can say, God makes them.

    Usually if you just answer the question with a definate answer, they are happy.

    First,  God helps you find the right husband.

    Then when He decides the time is right, He helps the Daddy put the baby in Mommies tummy.

    How?   He just does, after all, He is God, Right?

    More than anything else..don't panic.  They can tell when you do.  :)

    I am not a real religious person but it works for me and worked for both my girls until they got old enough to get more details.   By 9 or so I told them about "girl stuff" like periods and development.   Actually I bought a book about it for them on about that level of reading.   Then they asked me whatever questions they wanted to.  It didn't say much (if anything) about boys.  

    Then we got into details....  and there are some pretty good websites.   I have each of them a favorites folder with their stuff in it. has a really good site with development and anatomical information on it.  Also, family planning council has a teen website that is very good. When you need it.

  16. If I was you I would have some fun with this and have my husband deal with it.  LOL PS.if he's like most men she won't get too much information!

  17. Whatever you do, don't lie. Just tell her why, and not how.

  18. when a mommy and daddy have enough love for eachother a baby magically appears in mommys belly..
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