
Birth control pills?

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I just started on the pill 21 days ago. Now your supposed to stop for 7 days then go back on it and repeat. Well at the end of those 21 days that's when your period is supposed to start, and then that's when you do not take for 7 days. Well mine starts early about 19 I still continued to finish my pack. It finished yesterday (the pack) do I wait 7 days or do I go straight away on the next pack because my period will be done tomorrow or the next day.




  1. Wait the 7 days like you were instructed.  It can take your body month or 2 to regulate to the hormones.  Part of birth control is regulating your period.  Do not take the pills back to back!  Always take the sugar pills for the 7 days to allow your body time.  If you continue with the breakthrough bleeding, call your nurse or doctor.

  2. I would wait 7 days like the instructions say. If you just started the pill, your body hasn't adjusted to it yet. It takes about 3 months for your body to adjust to the pill and to regulate your cycle. Your cycle will be a little off at first, but after that adjustment period, you should be very regular.

  3. I would start right on to the next pack.

  4. No. You start your new pack as soon as your other pack is done. Same time each day to maintain the hormone balance. If you are having breakthrough bleeding you might need to go back to your doctor for another pill that is stronger.  
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