
Birth control... question??

by  |  earlier

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So this is a strange section to post a question in... but womens health is not so responsive...

Started b/c pills week and 1/2 ago. I did the 'sunday start' and it was twoards the end of my cyle.

nowwww.. i have some spotting and cramping. cramping has been going on for a while...

for those who have taken it... or know anything about it... is this normal, or should i be concerned??

Thanks so much in advance...




  1. If you are changing b/c brands or starting fresh off a new child, there are always going to be those first couple months of wacky cycles.

    Call the doc and ask, just to be sure - but unless you're going through a pad per hour (soaked) it's not an emergency - ask your doctor during normal business hours.

  2. Stop taking them,you will get breast cancer and cancer of the genital's before long.

  3. it is normal. If you start getting ill like the flu then get it checked out.

  4. Not uncommon when you start new birth control pills.  It's possible that you need a stronger pill.  

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