
Birthcontrol question! ?

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kay, so.

i have been taking birthcontrol for about 3months...and so far its ben weoking properly and amazing....i take it at 730 in the morning..and the other day i forgot about it...i knoww i was freaking the h**l out bci do hve s*x with myboyfrind and i def. dont wantt to get pregnant im only 16

anyways...when i forgot to take it i ended oup taking it at 5 in the afternoon....can this severely effect the way it works...bc ive had s*x since that and i havent forgotten it again...also it was only like a couple days ago..but yeah can it effect the way it works only forgetting it 1 day..and takingit later that day

10 points for best freaking out aboutit,,, thankk youuu,




  1. As long as you took it I really don't think it matter what time of the day. When I was on the pill I took it at night with dinner and when I wasn't home until like 2am I stil took it and I never got pregnant. It's when you don't take it at all for a couple of days then I worry. But as for now your going to be okay

  2. Well you should take it once a day but taking 5 when you forget it can really mess up your system, missing 1 every once in a while wont effect how it works you should still get all the benefits.

  3. it depends on what type of pill you take some pill u HAVE to take the same time each day some you can take it whenever in the day. if the pill your on has to be taken at the same time each day then it may fail and can mess up your cycle and you should use another form of contraception as well for around 2 weeks until you're cycle is back to normal. if your pill can be taken any time of the day then you will be fine. if your not sure read the box!  

  4. You took it late but you took it. I WOULD NOT stress too much, that will cause you to be late. I went on BC when I was 16 too, good choice you made! I set my cell phone alarm for 8pm everyday so that I don't forget...try that if you are super worried okay? CHEERS for responsible teenage women!! *pats you on the back*

  5. Hun if I were you I would get one of those birth control things that go inside of you. I'm 17 and I'm 7 weeks pregnant, got pregnant with my first baby at 15, but had complications, then got pregnant when I was sixteen, and now this. I deff am not ready for another baby, and I got pregnant on birth control pills and so did a couple of my friends. Birth control pills arent 100% effective. I doubt that missing one or two pills will effect it, just make sure that you continue taking it at 7:30am every morning, but if you want my suggestion, If you and your boyfriend are REALLY not ready to become parents, switch to implanon or something like that. Thats what I'm doing when I have this baby. Good Luck!

  6. No its fine, as you take it at the same time everyday then you will be covered, just keep on taking it like you have been. Don't worry about it. :)

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