
Birthday food??

by  |  earlier

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Ok so I'm having a party for my b-day, and i have no clue what to eat! don't say pizza plz, i hate it!




  1. What about BBQ hamburgers or Hotdogs?  OH we just had a party and we made chicken salad sandwiches.  We also had cream cheese & Beef dip.  Broccoli Grape Salad went over pretty well too.

  2. You can have your cake, and eat it too.

  3. Chinese, Indian, Italian etc or a variety of all different cultural foods. Mmmmm, small skewers usually go down well.

  4. umm food YOU like (as long as it's not too 'unique', so that other people wouldn't eat)

    but most people serve some kind of dessert: CAKE, ice cream, cookies

    as for the main dish, it depends on the kind of party; you could have a buffet style, with lots of different 'finger foods', or a main food like pasta, chicken etc.

    also, ask you're friends for ideas

  5. Mini quiches

  6. Nachos or Chicken Strips

  7. ice cream, cake, cookies, and chiiicken!
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