
Birthday party idea? Need opinions....?

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I want to do something fun since it'll be a sweet 16. Not too over the top.. But I thought maybe taking my friends to the Rainforest Cafe in the city would be fun. &Since we live far, I thought maybe taking the public transit station might be okay?

But the thing is.. We're on a tight budget. So I can't pay for ALL of my friend's tickets for the ride up and BACK. And I certainly can't pay for their meals either. Is it too much to ask for them to pay $10.50 for their round trip ticket and bring about $15-20 for their meal?




  1. no. its your birthday. but that sounds fun i live in a small town and i would pay to do something like that.

    so im sure your friends will pay and if not there really not good friends. however happy early birthday :D

  2. You know your friends! Will they think its too much to ask? Can they afford it? Then ask if everything is cool. If not have thenm over for cake ice cream and movies. Plan an outing to the rain forest that night for another date so everyone can expect to pay their own way.

  3. No not at all.

  4. honestly i dont think thats asking too much, maybe for the friends that cant gather up the money you could do something else with them like have a sleepover or something, and with the friends that can get the money you guys can all go on the trip! i think that sounds like an awesome idea to go out to eat and take a bus ride together. Just make sure the people that cant go get to do something with you too!!

  5. Not if they are your really good friends.  I think they would understand and support you.

    Just keep it on the small side so you wont get stuck with someone who wont pay.

    Good luck and happy B-Day.


  6. Hi

    No I do not think it is too much to ask of them. Its your birthday they should be willing to chip in. you can't pay for all of it. HAVE FUN GIRL

  7. i think that you should explain and tell them the situation, and instead of buying you a gift, to just pay to come with you. so they don't feel obligated to pay after spending money on a gift.

  8. No way, everyone wants to go to someones 16th birthday. And rainforest cafe sounds like such a fun place to celebrate a birthday. hope you have fun

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