
Bit help???

by  |  earlier

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Hey there, so lately, at my lessons, we've been talking about bits a lot more. And honestly, I have no idea of the different kinds of bits. D: I'm lacking in that field, could somebody direct me to like a page that has information of different bits? I ride english, if that has any difference.?




  1. I have to agree that myler has excellent explanations of what their bits do and why.

    That being said, I would also talk to the people at your local tackshop they should have at least one person on staff that is knowledgable about bits.

    I would also like to point out that views of bits can vary wildly! I had someone call my little D ring snaffle with rollers a "rather harsh snaffle". While it is not the softest snaffle out there, I don't feel like it is a "harsh snaffle".

    My trainer who I respect and have learned a ton from, thinks that a horse should be in a curb once its trained, even for english riding. I happen to disagree with her on this, but its an example of how people view things differently.


  3. you should contact a bit maker directly to help explain the differences. Myler is really helpful in this area. They have very funky types of bits but they descripe their uses and benefits very well. You have a lot less options in english compared to western. Good luck in your search.


    Hope these will be of some use to you.

  5. go to they have a lot of english bits.well good luck. Sabrina

  6. no just luk at books nd search net n stuff?

    tack shops - ask owner about each type of bits
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