
Bites after sleeping in a motel?

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My family and i are traveling and I thought it was all the cats at my mothers house, but then when we stayed at a motel the next day my 3 year old son woke up with about 6 red bumps on his back. They kind of look like small mosquito bites. I know ring worms are a possibility, with the cats and everything, but I have had a breakout with them and that's not what they look like or feel like.

Then when we were cleaning up this morning I threw the top blanket on the bed and what did I find a brown recluse spider....I killed the spider and left in on the table in between the beds. The housekeepers never came by to clean this morning and now I am kind of confused on what to do. We did search for bed bugs too, because as I mentioned we looked through the beds to see if we could find anything.

I know its a brown recluse spider because i looked it up on the internet, however that is not what the bites look like. Both of my boys have bites on them, they are 3 years old and 1 year old. Me and my husband however do not have any bites.

What should I do?




  1. They are bed bugs probably from teh motel bed..../

  2. I think bedbugs are hard to find but it sounds like them.  Go to a doctor to make sure your son doesn't need any treatment and change motels, complaining to the management.

  3. It is possible they are bedbugs. During the day, bedbugs hide in the corners of the room. Their bites often manifest themselves as white bumps, but they can also appear red. You should take your children to a doctor to be sure.

    You said you thought it was all the cats at your mother's house? Bedbugs can travel in luggage and clothes. It's possible you picked up bedbugs or fleas from your mother's house and brought them with you. After all, the only way for such pests to arrive at a motel is through the guests.

    Regardless, you need to thoroughly wash EVERYTHING you brought with you to prevent bringing whatever pest is causing the bites home with you. Hotel management also needs to be informed immediately so they can take appropriate action. Bedbugs are a pain in the *** to get rid requires quarantining the infected room as well as the surrounding rooms and takes months of treatments. Wash EVERYTHING before you get home!

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