
Black hair lighter??????????

by  |  earlier

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lemon juice will make it lighter? do i pour it all over and rinse it orrr leave it in??

or is there any hair dye in particular i can use to get it lighter?




  1. try a clarifying shampoo. this will strip out the color every time you shampoo it. It's a lot better them lemon juice or getting it bleached out. this will not be damaging if you do it this way.

  2. if u have black hair dont use lemon

    it turns it red

    please answer mine;...

  3. I dyed my hair black a while ago and I feel your pain.. Color does not lift color.. so remember that if you are trying to dye it yourself. The best way to get theblack out is to bleach it out. I would suggest having a professional do it. They can bleach it then put a toner over it. This is what I did and my hair was back to normal! Dont use lemon juice.. it will turn it red if not some other crazy color.

  4. Use head and shoulders it worked wonders when my hair was black but your hair looses its shine Btw

  5. You need to get a bleach wash by a professional anything else liek lemon or sun in will turn it orange or jsut nast and no color will lift color sorry.

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