
Black history month ?

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ok so im half black half white so im not being racist but i dont get why black people have black history month i mean whats so special ? why dont white people have a ''white history month'' i think its a bit racist its like the black think there better than the white this is probly me being stupid but does anyone else feel this way




  1. because if we had a white history month we would get accused of being racist.

  2. Well, white history month would be every month of the year.

  3. If we lived in a perfect world history would be taught as history plain and simple. However, we don't live in a perfect world.

    History is taught mostly from a white perspective. Therefore, for where we are at today, a black history month is designed to bring some "balance and perspective" to our learning (I'm not condoning or condemning, just explaining the rationale).  

    Hopefully, someday it won't be necessary, much like affirmative action was necessary for a while but has since been able to be eliminated.  It'd be great if the teachings of black history month could be incorporated into our everyday lessons. But we simply aren't there yet as much as we like to think we are.  

    If historical bias is a subject that interests you I recommend the book Lies My Teacher Told Me.

  4. ok rabz88 has no idea about anything. first off, black people from africa were sold by their own people into slavery. moreover many races have been treated bad throughout american history, native indians, irish, the japanese, eastern europeans, the list goes on, blacks werent the only ones who dealt with hardships. I agree with you, we should just learn history the way it is, and when there is an important black person to learn about, which there are plenty of, we should just learn about them in the context of history, we do not need a special month which furthers racism  in this country  

  5. yeah i know how your feeling i guess it's just to remember all those blacks who were slaves before or something..sorry i dont know much about this D:

  6. We have black history month and it's tolerated, because as a nation of primarily white people we are a tolerant people.

    If we tried to have White history month we would be being racist and all the black people would spit their dummies out. Its ridiculous.

    (If you are american, a dummy is a pacifier)

    In my opinion black people are more racist than white people these days. Many of them seem to STILL have a chip on their shoulder about slavery and all that stuff. GET OVER IT. Slavery was abolished (in the UK and British Empire) in 1833. So nobody alive on the planet now was even alive in the slavery days, on either side of the whip.

    So nobody should take any s**t from anyone about it because it wasn't us that did it.

    Likewise, black people shouldn't have that chip, because it didn't happen to them, and it wasn't us who did it.

    History however, is important and should be learned and learned from. But slavery and 'hard feelings' belong in the history book not in our modern world.

    Thats my two cents. Take it or leave it.

  7. well i think you racist! black people were tortured for hundreds of years and were brought by white people as slaves. why should white people have 'white history month'? i'm niether white or don't see me moaning about having a history month for my 'kind'!

    seems like you and your mother really have something against black people. did your father ditch you and thats why you're hating?

  8. i'm multiracial as well. it's because blacks were suppressed for so long (since the 15th century). history books don't speak much about blacks in a positive light. since it wasn't cool to be black once slavery and segregation ended, the government created black history month to be able to celebrate and provide awareness about the plight of the black people. as a remembrance. it has good intentions to make right with the past. hatred does not die that easily and segregation only ended in the early 50s. so 1500s-1950s is a long time. there are people who are still alive who lived through segregation, hangings, etc.

    the history we are primarily taught is from the white perspective (since they are the majority and blacks are the minority). i think that any history that took place in america should be taught as american history in it's entirety. period. this includes hispanic, asian, native american etc.

    anyway, how else do you try to get the citizens of your country to play nice after jim crow and segregation? the person who created black history month made an effort.

    now the BET channel's name is just racist in my opinon. that needs to change. like yesterday.


    cause we fresh like that
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