
Blacks in the UK...?

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some argue they are a nett negative immigrant demographic with minimal positive contribution to UK society

some argue they are a nett positive immigrant- who are a very positive component of modern UK society.

what are your views and why?

and please let's all refrain from slurring or labelling answers as racist or whatnot- this question is about opinions and ideas- which are all equally valid- even if one disagrees with them.




  1. You don't judge people by the colour of their skin you bigot its the actions of a person that counts

  2. I find the British very charming.

  3. kill them.

  4. I feel this very question is long overdue!I feel they have had a negative impact on British Society!I notice!No one from the Black section of society has openly cricised Robert Mugabe!

  5. I don't think they are a postive impact in the UK. They keep to themselves and don't integrate. They get qualifications that help in their own family businesses, which, yes, I agree, we are all grateful for the late opening of the corner shop, but you don't see many black architects, engineers, social workers, or plumbers. Many can't speak English which causes problems, and they bring their own culture with them which is not compatible with ours. They also play the "race" card whenever there is trouble, and we all have to abide by these ridiculous "pc" laws in case we cause offense.  If you live in a country, then you live by that culture and law. We would have to do the same if we went to their country. Having said all that, I live in a very multi cultural neighbourhood and we all get along just fine, lol.

  6. why do you use the word uk. this is a question about england so stop taking our identity away

  7. dont be racist we all have the same blood colour

  8. If we went to their country how would we be treated? We just have to look at south Africa to see how?

  9. THIS.. IS... ENGLAND! Keep it that way!

  10. As a US citizen, I'm not that familiar with the immigrant issues in the UK.  I will say however, that from what I've seen in the media, it seems to rival our illegal problem here.  

    Personally, as an African American, I don't think one race of people can be responsible for all of the ills in a society.     The Caucasian world is too quick to blame everything on "Minorities".  Historically, the Caucasian race has plundered and fractured every civilization it has encountered.  Unfortunately, we now have to pay for those past deeds. Does that make all Whites bad ?  Heck no.  

    However, if those immigrants are there illegally, they should be sent back to their own country and be forced to try to come in legally and abide by all laws of their new country.  If they are criminials, refuse them entry.  Simple as that.

  11. Its not about colour its about economics, we have too many immigrants in England regardless of colour. The problem I have is that we cant support who we have here yet we let more and more people come and stay without any useful purpose, this is why I believe we have gang culture as the people who belong to these gangs have brought this kind of society with them from their own country and continue to behave that way here as they have nothing else to do, and it makes me angry when it spills over and affects people with no attatchment to that particular culture. I am not racist I have friends of all colours and judge people on their merits and usefullness in society, but lets make immigation work for our contry not against it.

  12. racist

  13. keep the UK pure british, our NHS, Police, Courts, Schools and housing can't cope any more !!!

  14. Hmmm... from what I understand that you dont seem to like immigration of other races by posing a question like that. Im a foriegner in the United Kingdom, Im both foriegn by national origins and citzenship. I feel as a representative of  foreign people Im a good example, I work 2 jobs in the day time I work for a massive company in administration and in the evening I work in a bar. I have contibuted 9 years worth of tax into the tax system. Whilst I work in the evening in a pub I see alot of white british youths who are outside my pub just wasting there lives by walking around, getting leary, being abusive to people in the street and drinking in the street. Even when I had a stint of unemployment I got help from the job centre and there are many healthy white british people getting there dole money instead of finding jobs they just sign on to drink and do recreational drugs. I see them walking around hanging about doing nothing. Unlike the "blacks" as you would put it working doing the most disgusting and mundane things i.e cleaning, working at fast food or what ever else is out there.

    I think instead of questions the integrity of blacks maybe you should questions the ethics of white british people in the job centre?

    All any one can argue keep things British ?

    Cant any one see that there are british scroungers as well as forgeign ones ? isnt the question we should point out scroungers are just negative to any enviroment?

  15. blacks and asians are more likely to commit crime than white people.

    i base my opinion on this: 92% of the british population is white, the other 8% is made up of all the ethnic groups combined....

    yet,  look at the national prison population ratios and you will find that the inmate national average consists of approx 79% white, and 21% ethnic (in some prisons muslims alone make up more than 30%+ ) .


    so i think that blacks are a negative to  this country, and based on facts  i'm evidently justified in holding these beliefs.

  16. Come on now all of you. Coloured people of any race, if born in this Country are as English as you or I, so colour shouldn't come into it. It is up to those people to accept that they are English and not be in denial. It is mainly the Asians who do not accept it, they are Asians first, which is of course completely wrong. Until they accept their true Nationality there will always be problems.

    Enlish for the English !!!! If yuo are born here, you are English Accept it

  17. u racist a**hole

  18. Well, as there have been records of black people living in this country since before Elizabethan times, there are some that are more English than the BNP supporters who want them all out.  What about those whose ancestors came from other 'white' countries?  I suppose the silly minority see these as acceptable - those that came to escape Stalinist Russia for example?  So,  it comes down to the colour of someone's skin - very very shallow.

  19. what is the problem of having blacks? as long as they dont cause any problems thats fine. other races causes problems too.. not only blacks.,

  20. sorry to here about your bad luck lol

  21. All society has neg and pos inputs, Black White, Asian, Latin

    you name them they all have the same structures.

    If people have to judge  then do so only on individual situations and people.

    Can you judge Trevor McDonald and south London Street Gangs the same?

  22. I see no change or difference to society.

  23. The black people I know and work with are a great asset to society.  But then that's the type of people I tend to come into contact with.  I am sure there are others who are of less benefit to society - but that applies to people of all races.

  24. i live in an area there are lots Asians but no Blacks. so i cant really give you an opinion. i believe people live in the Southeast and the Middlands you have their point of view,,

  25. Whites in south Africa,positive or negative demographic?Broaden your mind.

  26. There is a few questions need to be asked to this question

    1) an immigrant doesnt need to be black

    2)what is the point of the negative question relating to blacks anyway? The same question has to be asked about whites

    This question borders on racism!
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