
Blacks to outnumber whites in Brazil...?

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"Blacks will outnumber whites in Brazil this year for the first time since slavery was abolished, but the income gap between the two groups may take another 50 years to bridge, according to a government study released Tuesday.

The government study was released Tuesday to coincide with the 120th anniversary of abolition in Brazil. In 1888, Brazil became the last country in the Western hemisphere to end slavery.

In 1890, blacks were estimated to make up 56 percent of Brazil's population, but that number dropped to 36 percent in 1940, according to the study. "

What do you think?

There is a lot more that I didn't mention:,0,1165025.story




  1. ot's because of the great number of italians, germans, and other european immigrants that came in that time to work in the coffe plantation. their countries were going through crisis and brazil was with a good economy that time, so many european immigrants arrived from 1890-1930's. that made whites outnumber blacks.

  2. Mixed-race people make 82% of the Brazilian population.

    Even former president Fernando H. Cardoso stated that he had "A feet in the kitchen", which is a term of enderment in Brazil to say someone is mixed.

    So forget the studies. All that PC c**p just allows for such distortions such Brazilian affirmative action to bloom.

  3. According to the Brazilian census Blacks make up 6% of the population. Unless Whites share of the population is even less than 6% which according to the IBGE they aren't, than I don't see how Blacks outnumbering Whites is accurate. I think the article is misleading and should have replaced Black with Brown/Mixed Race since it's Brown people that are quickly catching up with the White population.

  4. I think it is difficult to get a true number for the study because they are going on census. Some people although obviously mixed may identify with one color/ethnicity over another and write something that is technicaly incorrect on the census.

  5. I need to call Brazil home.

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