
Blacks vs Whites?

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WRONG! When are we going to unite as AMERICANS? No matter past history (history but not forgotten) and no matter what skin color, we as AMERICANS need to wake up and smell the coffee! The American people are SLAVES to our own government watching our rights slowly go out the window for the sake of Political correctness. When are we going to have a say about goes on with OUR money? And please don't say to is soooo cliche. It seems that our "reperesentitives" once in office, are brainwashed by the perks and forget about their employers......... The American Tax Payer! (And yes this is a rant I know, but am I the only one who feels this way?)




  1. I tried when I was younger.  All I got for my trouble was blamed for slavery, beaten up several times.  I think for the rest of my life, I will take a pass on that and live a happy segregated life.

  2. I agree with nature lover totally! Wish you were allowing yourself to be added as a contact.  I like your answers!

  3. well LULU, i am afarid it is a bit too late. As you can see that the government is now too big. And of course when people get together to protest in comes the FBI and kill a few. Now if the entire country gets in on that same protest something can be done. But we know that aint gonna happen. Just as with the price of oil, you take an entire nation to just say.......h**l no, we aint gonna work for the man for 3-5 days and i can just about bet this nation would start to listen to the people that make it up, but takes those few of us that have that American greedy that keeps this nation in the state that it is in. And i do agree about term limits on the government also...

  4. Obama is a Mulatto, 1/2 and 1/2

  5. Wow you went from Racism to taxes, Pretty broad range.

    Until the Afro-American decides they are Americans of African decent, then they will not fit unto America, Same with Mexican or Latinos. My wives family are 4th Generation Americans from the Republic of Texas, and before that they were of Mexican decent

    I am American of mixed European decent.

    I have never considered myself anything other than American.

    I have a Black nephew who teaches his children (Half Black ,quarter white. and quarter Puerto Rican) that they are Americans

    And that is were the country needs to go.

    Taxes will as normal go up. In one way or another.

  6. Non Proliferation Agreement on Oil Based Cars in major cities. Exceptions essential services like transportation and Emergency Services, Police that sort of thing. A New sort of New Deal  which would involve introduction of electric cars into major cities. Horses and such are not an option people say they will be able to use. Strange as people did for hundreds of years. So SAY NO TO OIL SLAVERY  GET AN ELECTRIC CAR SUBSIDISED BY THE GOVERNMENT SIGN NON PROLIFERATION AGREEMENT FOR CARS IN MAJOR CITIES OF EVERY COUNTRY. GET GOVS TO DO SO. POLITICIANS ARE TO END GLOBAL WARMING AND SIGN THIS AGREEMENT IN NO LESS THAN FIVE YEARS IF THRY CANNOT THROW THEM OUT OF OFFICE. IF THEY CAN DO NOTHING AND NO MONEY IS FORTH COMING TURN SOCIALIST,COMMUNIST OR SOMETHING. IF PEOPLE DO NOT LIKE THEIR ALTERNITIVES THEN THEY CANNOT COMPLAIN IF THEY ARE LET DOWN.

  7. Typically, most / some blacks consider their 'blackness' first. They know that they'll be denounced by their peers if they claim to be an "American" and not a bro first.

    I had a black co-worker lamenting that she didn't even know what part of africa she was from. Why get pre-occupied on such an identity that you can't even relate to?

    Just be glad you're here, - no matter how you got here.

  8. wow, its great to see a white person explain what "blacks" consider first. i dont believe that i would be denounced as an american and not a "bro" or "sista" first..... and just because youre "african-amerian" doesn't make you african, ancestors are from africa but you're just as american as everyone else, how is it that many african amerians would know what part of africa theyre from when our ancestors were pulled from their homes and traded and shipped to this country??

    as for the question- that was nice, i like to see someone with the same POV as me, should just be united and understand that its us against the government now a days. good question/statement =]

  9. Term limits will cure this.
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